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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I wholeheartedly agree but then again, most of the parents of this generation are still children, so they lack the necessary intelligence, patience, and maturity to be one.
  2. The funny thing is I play a game on mobile called Lord's mobile that is made by the same company and this is the same problem that the game faces. The game is still playable as a free player but if you don't spend loads of money you will fall behind most players competitively.
  3. Touche...4k Gaming hasn't really progressed that much and is still way too expensive for the average consumer.
  4. You should. It is a very entertaining game filled with content for days and many different ways to handle most situations in-game. My favorite thing to do in-game is feed people to the alligators - I normally lasso them, tie them up and carry them on the back of my horse. Then I just throw them where there is the biggest group of crocodiles.
  5. For me, it has to go to Trevor, Michael and Franklin from GTA V. They all came from very different backgrounds with drastic differences in personality and yet, they interact so well with each other.
  6. I have the attention span of a fetus alright...whatever that is...but puzzle games in general get really repetitive after a while. The only puzzle game I could ever see myself playing is Tetris.
  7. Or you could just put up a bunch of game posters on a wall, blindfold yourself, throw a dart and anyone it catches, you buy it - simple. 😂😂🤣
  8. You're welcome. I am not afraid to give compliments when the work done has a lot of quality. To be honest, it is way better than something like IGN would produce - all they would do is moan about the graphics and how that era of gaming has passed and they would be trying to compare it modern games -_-.
  9. Yeah, the starting of Mass Effect one nearly put me to sleep but it was a great series. It's a pity that EA got their grubby little paws on it because they have managed to kill what was a once amazing experience.
  10. Brilliant and detailed review as usual Alyxx. I like how you don't overlook even the tiniest detail in your reviews so we the reader cannot question the transparency of your work.👍
  11. Been waiting on Borderlands 3 for YEARS and they don't seem any closer to releasing it.
  12. At the moment, I play a lot of Skyrim SE and RDR2. I was also checking out the new Arena Wars DLC For GTA V online and I am trying to pick which vehicle I want to go with.
  13. I'm not sure what to tell you because I have Fallout New Vegas and I myself have never encountered this issue so I don't have any answers.
  14. Crash Bandicoot just cause...I have no idea why I even like Crash Bandicoot but it is a game that I believe deserves a reboot.
  15. Freeroms.com was a very good site a couple years ago because that is where I got my GBA emulator games up to a couple years ago but doing a quick check it seems that they are now labeled an unsafe site.
  16. Me too as I usually love to have an all-mage team with me.
  17. Far Cry does a very good job with atmospheric sounds. For instance, in Far Cry primal, the sounds of the various animals and insects such as crickets in the jungle really gave you a feeling of being out in the wild.
  18. I like to take taxis because it isn't very crowded and you get to your destination way quicker.
  19. My sentiments exactly. If the video game is the one doing the parenting, there is something seriously lacking in the parenting skills of said parent.
  20. I am glad that consumers are starting to be more sensible when purchasing video games and not just buying into the nostalgia of a classic console especially when it is so poorly priced.
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