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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have to constantly be giving my dogs water 5-6 times during the afternoon hours because of how ridiculously hot it gets. I'd let them in the house but they tend to start troubling everything within sight so I make them stay outside.
  2. Hardly anything Google does nowadays makes any damn sense at all - the Google Stadia is a ridiculous concept especially when the Google execs begin to explain exactly how it functions. It is an idiot project to say the least.
  3. House chores actually take time because I need to be mentally prepared to do them and then the act of doing them also consumes a lot of time and I'll probably be exhausted after.
  4. Compared to past Wolfenstein games, it is terrible. The hybrid RPG mechanics system while a good idea is poorly executed - in offline combat, the AI co-player is absolutely terrible and the worst part is you have to keep them alive or else you fail your mission. The problem is they keep running out into every god damn thing -_- so you end up having to "babysit" this co-player. Oh yes, in the single-player campaign, you cannot pause - yes, you heard right. The game also has a lot of gameplay and graphical bugs which ruin the overall experience as well.
  5. Wolfenstein - Young Blood
  6. At times, I do think he is joking but he says stupid stuff all the time so it's hard to discern when he is trolling and when he is being serious.
  7. I learnt some excellent recipes from the cooking simulator game on Steam - I learned how to make make pasta with tomato sauce and I also learned how to make breadsticks. It also encouraged me to learn how to make cheese breadsticks - one might say it has awakened my inner Gordon Ramsay🤣
  8. Florida is also pretty terrible during the summer as well - If I'm out in the sun for more than 15 mins over there I start to feel feint. On top of it, there aren't many areas to take shelter from the sun except in a store.
  9. I'm not sure because I never watched it either but I did remember a TV special came out some time after the movie.
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