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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 45 minutes ago, DC said:

    Honestly both are nasty lol. I'd prefer Dr. Pepper or real Root Beer. 

    How is everyone doing today? What's going on?

    Dr. Pepper? You sir are a rare species. 🤣. I am a bit tired from editing a video for a client that is taking very long to render. Thank the heavens it's finished - What's up with you man? How's the day going?

  2. I was raised in a traditional Anglican family. However, my mother never really forced religion onto me because she was not really into it because of how flawed Christianity and other religions are. My mother is like me in that she believes in a divine being but doesn't believe in religion and I came to the same conclusion growing up.

  3. I can just imagine if they were to come upon some kind of resource they could sell for a profit on Mars. There would be a power struggle for control of said resource and they would destroy Mars' surface without thinking twice just excavate more of that precious resource for their own greed and selfishness.

  4. Not American so I didn't vote but personally, I vote for logical and reasonable ways to fix the pressing issues that a country has. Not some emotional speech by Political leaders because they have no intention of going through with it when elected.

  5. 10 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    Any of the horror games or Grand Theft Auto. The fact that you can live in a universe/world where people get massacred randomly on the street and the police forget about it after a while would be quite scary lol. Plus, imagine living in the Grand Theft Auto Online world. It would be cool for a bit with all the flying cars but absolutely terrifying in terms of how much access to weapons everyone has.

    At least, you would live in a city and have the basic amenities to survive. In a Fallout world, however, there would be no proper roads, drinking water, very few vehicles, hardly any electricity and food contaminated by radiation and the long list goes on. Add to the fact that cannibalism is a prevalent enough practice in that world, mutated humans and regular humans out for your blood...that can't even compare.

  6. Forums are very intimate as most people have said. Blogs tend to have this communication barrier that is inexplicable but it exists and the worst part is, nobody knows what usually causes it.

  7. 6 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    But then again, it's probably wise to spend a lot of money on the actual development as well and not just the marketing. I mean, look at No Man's Sky. They spent quite a bit on marketing but came with up so much exaggeration on their trailers that it flopped at the start. And then they had to go and spend more money on developing the game and fixing it up so that's it is at it's current state which is not too bad.

    At least the marketing can get most who love to pre-order and buy games right after launch to spend that money without knowing what the actual gameplay is like. I know it's a dirty and dishonest tactic but a lot of business employ the same tactic and if I'm not mistaken they have either a word or phrase for it but I can't quite remember what it was.

  8. 11 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    I hope so, but like the saying goes , the road to hell is paved with good intentions..

    I truly don't see many or I should say enough people recycling .

    I agree and to be honest, in most countries, the recycling policy isn't really that clear and it isn't enforced enough.

  9. Back in the early 2000s when the PS2 came out, there was a team-based tactical military shooting game called Socom that some very similar features to Ghost Recon in that you get a team of individuals who you can give commands to(some of which were very advanced.) and although the execution at times was a bit lacking, it was solid overall. You and your squad were sent all over the world to deal with rescuing and escorting hostages, eliminating terrorists etc. Have you ever played SOCOM and what did you think of it?

  10. I had been working on a race mod for Skyrim last year and to some degree, I was successful with add most of the abilities that I wanted. The problem I encountered is the more advanced features like scripting which I am a complete noob at so I had hit a dead end. In addition to that, Mod creation consumes a lot more time than I am willing to allocate to it so I put it on pause. Have you ever tried to create a mod for Skyrim and if so, how far did you reach with your project?

  11. 3 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Skyrim, Darkest Dungeon and Pillars Of Eternity are all grrat PC RPGs.

    I do play Skyrim often enough and it's one of my favorite games. Darkest Dungeon and Pillars Of Eternity are two that I haven't heard of up until this point so I will check them out later.

  12. 9 hours ago, Babyface dewees said:

    Can anybody help me I’m on the last mission of RDR I want to know if I Beattie game can I go back to a previous save I have from one of aurther last missions and finish all my challenges

    I'm not completely sure yet because I haven't quite beat the game yet either. I mean I could do it but I am having too much fun feeding the townsfolk to crocodiles. 🤣

  13. MINIMUM:

    OS: Windows® 7/Vista/XP

    Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 processor or better

    Memory: 2 GB RAM

    Graphics: Video card must be 256 MB or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with support for Pixel Shader 3.0

    DirectX: Version 9.0c

    Storage: 15 GB available space

    On 1/3/2019 at 7:16 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

    To be honest, I've never played the video game. I've heard a lot about it on discussions boards but only recently have I started researching reviews and the best places to buy a digital copy. I have decided I want to purchase a copy for my PC, would anyone here mind telling me the minimum specifications requirements for a Laptop Windows Based x64? Want to make sure my computer will be able to handle it first. 

    Copied directly from the steam page. Unless your laptop is as slow as my microwave, you should be fine. It is one of the least intensive games I know on Steam that are fun to play.

  14. DC said we need to chat until we filled up as many pages as possible so why is this chat so quiet? Ok, here is a question for everyone - If you had to choose between a lifetime supply of Grape Fanta or a lifetime supply of Mountain Dew, which one would you choose and why?

  15. 9 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    What do you mean by limited list if you don't mind me asking? I believe it's the original and proper Super Mario game. I can't really remember if there was a proper title for it. I had one of those specialised consoles that have a set number of games already installed. One of the games was the original Super Mario game (the sidescroller) and I had so much fun with it. It was my first proper experience with gaming really.

    Yeah, I remember those consoles and I used to have one of them as well. I believe they were made in China.

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