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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I used to play the 2-D shooting games on Miniclips as well. I don't think flash online games would appeal to me anymore - not when I have GTA V and other games around to entertain me.
  2. 0.0 DAMN!!! I would just laugh hysterically because that is all you can do for making such a serious error.
  3. I still play it every now and again to keep my FPS shooting skills sharp.
  4. I spent $50 dollars once and it was when T20 and those other early supercars were dominating GTA online. Otherwise, I have never spent another dime - I did heists and races to make my earnings.
  5. Don't forget all the mutated animals and God knows what else is affected by the radiation. I'd probably die of starvation because I'd pretty much turn down any other food source outside of it coming from a vault for obvious reasons.
  6. Time really flies especially on GTA V. I mean before I know it, 2 hours has already passed -_-.
  7. The Witcher 3 is an excellent game - I know that much. The problem with the PC version of this game is that it is poorly optimized. When my GTX 1080 TI with I7 processor is struggling in some parts of the game to register 30 fps on ultra settings, it paints a very damning picture. The worse part is I am not the only PC gamer I know with this issue - I have a friend with an almost identical setup (we built our PCs at the same time and bought similar parts.) and his GTX 1080ti overheated and stopped working.
  8. Gaming itself isn't an issue at all. I used to play games such as GTA Vice City and San Andreas, Mortal Kombat and Twisted Metal(for ps1) and it didn't distort or in any sense affect me that much. Parents need to establish clear limits as to how long they play as well as to educate their children that the things they witness in these games are wrong and overly exaggerated. The parenting of this generation is pretty poor - the things I see most kids and teens are able to get away with nowadays is mind-blowing.
  9. For me, it's definitely ethernet because the connection will always be stable and consistent. Wi-fi can be disrupted by a good number of machines in your house such as the microwave. To extend it's range you will need a wifi expander or several wi-fi expanders if your home is huge. Yes, the lack of mobility is a disadvantage but considering that I mainly game on my desktop which is also stationary, I don't that much of an issue.
  10. I haven't played Runescape in over a decade! Thanks for making me feel old...😭 I don't even know what my password is or which email I used to sign up for it.
  11. I have heard about this game before but I've never really tried it. Could you tell me what is its most enjoyable features?
  12. Excellent points and also you have to try predicting your opponent's moves.
  13. Find the correct department that can utilize your skillset and when messaging them, try not to sound desperate and also I forget to mention this before but have some kind of side-project that you do that shows off your skillset. For example, I post small animation videos on FB almost every day ( except when I am extremely busy like now.). It can serve as a type of portfolio which will benefit you. Most importantly, don't take the rejection too personally and don't get discouraged - take it as a learning process.
  14. Very good points as well and they will have to send a ton-load more money on marketing because they do not have the publicity and reputation that the Big Three have. As a matter of fact, if Sega was to make a console right now, they would probably outsell the Mad Box console just on their reputation of making consoles in the '90s so, I am not that confident that they will even be able to compete with the Big Three.
  15. What kind of gaming videos does he make? How regularly does he post new videos?
  16. My current platforms are a custom-built desktop, a gaming laptop(although I use it for work mainly, I hardly game on it.), a tablet and on very rare occasions my cell phone. I have been a gamer since I was around 2-3 years old and my dad got me into gaming when he bought me the original Nintendo.
  17. I started using better software for animation, accounting etc. and I was a bit bolder in my approach like messaging Youtubers, companies like Google etc. I also stopped paying for sub-standard services such as: Dropbox.
  18. The lesson I learned was sometimes you have to take it to the chin. - About March this year, my original website and a couple other accounts got hacked and taken out by a hacker - leaving my business I had been building for close to a decade in ruins. I had to take a couple months off and just had to re-invent my way of doing business and incredibly, I bounced back within 3 months after starting to do animation again in August. Something like that would have completely destroyed most people and that was my initial response but in reality that hacker did me a favor - he/she made me re-evaluate everything I was doing up to that point and made me even more hungry and determined.
  19. Gotcha You also have to develop your own style of playing. I find that by developing my own style, it gives me a competitive edge where my moves are unpredictable to my opponents and I end up destroying them.
  20. I am a Freelance Animator/video editor and I just go out and find clients via sites like craigslist etc. or message the media department of a company with a proposal. I work by contracts that I draft up and I am hoping to break the $8k US barrier this year.
  21. lol. That'll be like in the next 3-4 or God knows when. By that time Sony and Microsoft would have likely developed consoles that can play at 60 fps at 4k resolution so it is just an empty promise. On top of that, they lack the publisher support that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have so I am not getting my hopes up at all.
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