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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It was just a cash grab by Bethesda and a lot of the things they promised would be in the game, they haven't delivered on. It is one of the reasons I have really started to dislike Bethesda - they put out unfinished games and depend on their modding community to patch the problems while charging you a premium fee for the game.
  2. I built my machine from scratch and yes, I would recommend the setup although I am going to change my setup to the next set of AMD processors and graphics cards that will be announced at CES. I had bought the parts individually and it took me one year to accumulate them all so I would have to check how much it cost me at the time but a pre-built budget PC from a company like Cyberpower PC will run you something like $700-800 US. You can find discounts on the parts on Ebay which would cost a bit less so I would recommend building from scratch. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube that can show how to do it easily and effectively - that's how I learnt.
  3. killamch89

    Gaming on Linux?

    I have never really tried gaming on Linux but from what I can tell, Linux lacks a lot of the integration that Windows has when it comes to drivers for certain graphics cards so I wouldn't consider the notion.
  4. Hawali also came up with legislation for loot boxes and few other states are drafting up legislation for them as well. I do believe other countries are doing their own investigations and if their research proves micro-transaction items like loot boxes are a form of gambling, I do think the Government will come down pretty hard on them.
  5. lol. I get what you mean - the naivety of youth has screwed us all over at one point in our life or another.
  6. I am more of agnostic - I believe in a divine presence that governs our existence but I don't believe in Religion aka man's view on "God". A simple book or saying by some person cannot answer who or what is "God". That divine presence is beyond the comprehension of most humans.
  7. I am sick of the cold weather too - especially at nights I have to turn off the AC -_-. Feels like a freezer in my apartment otherwise.
  8. I mean banks always rob us so why shouldn't we take revenge.
  9. It is for the best because the bid for Rewards section cancels out the Contests section because it is more or less serving the same function.
  10. The least I could tell you is to try to establish some kind of relaxation route a few hours before you go to bed as it may help you to sleep longer.
  11. Everyone has to agree that English is the hardest language to learn. Even native speakers (like myself) have trouble with it lol - I know I'm going a bit off-topic here but why are there so many rules in English?
  12. I agree and I have been through some insanely rough times as well but I don't complain. I just get on with it.
  13. We are just glad you are still alive and healthy enough to work and maintain yourself.
  14. I know a few people in India that can't afford one but can purchase a cell phone so they use that as to surf the internet. There are people out there that are in way worse situations than anything you and I have been through.
  15. Same to you man and yeah, I am definitely having fun. 🙂
  16. Thanks for bringing this to our attention because I was never aware of such a game.
  17. I generally use my laptop or desktop because those are the two I spend most of my time doing animation videos and video editing. I only surf the internet on my cell phone when I am not near any of these. I do surf the internet on my tablet when looking for mobile games, game reviews or new ebooks to read.
  18. Fair enough - It isn't for everyone. You should try taking a powerful detoxifier like turpentine to help to get rid of the impurities as well as drink a LOT of water as this will flush out the toxins faster.
  19. Improve upon last year especially in my Freelancing business although I had a very good 2018, I want to reach way higher heights.
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