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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 10 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    This was years ago and it was a Samsung Galaxy Ace. I believe that had support for a micro SD but I just had a really crappy one so there still wasn't enough space on either my phone storage or the micro SD. And since I was younger, I didn't really want to "waste" any money on something like a micro SD when I could spend it on games and toys 😄 

    lol. I get what you mean - the naivety of youth has screwed us all over at one point in our life or another.

  2. I am more of agnostic - I believe in a divine presence that governs our existence but I don't believe in Religion aka man's view on "God". A simple book or saying by some person cannot answer who or what is "God". That divine presence is beyond the comprehension of most humans.

  3. On 1/1/2019 at 7:54 PM, DC said:

    Hi All,

    Just a quick announcement that I closed down the Contests Forum. We simply weren't generating enough participants/entries to justify keeping them up and running. We do have Bid for Rewards, and you can participate with your Points which you earn for posting on VGR. Thanks.

    It is for the best because the bid for Rewards section cancels out the Contests section because it is more or less serving the same function.

  4. 17 hours ago, mont86 said:

    I have looked into it with out much luck i'm afraid .

    The least I could tell you is to try to establish some kind of relaxation route a few hours before you go to bed as it may help you to sleep longer.

  5. On 12/30/2018 at 7:53 PM, Alyxx said:

    My native language is Norwegian but I've been learning English just as long as Norwegian since I grew up with a lot of English games and movies on TV.

    Everyone has to agree that English is the hardest language to learn. Even native speakers (like myself) have trouble with it lol - I know I'm going a bit off-topic here but why are there so many rules in English?

  6. 1 minute ago, UleTheVee said:

    You shouldn't talk without judging me m8.. I have been through some rough shit. But yeah, I understand, there can be people worse off. WHich is why I am grateful for what I do.

    I agree and I have been through some insanely rough times as well but I don't complain. I just get on with it.

  7. 17 hours ago, mont86 said:

    Yeah have been burned a couple times where it takes the skin. Happens before you know it.

    The equipment we use can bite as well..



    We are just glad you are still alive and healthy enough to work and maintain yourself.

  8. 2 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    Who doesn't use a PC for surfing lol.

    I know a few people in India that can't afford one but can purchase a cell phone so they use that as to surf the internet. There are people out there that are in way worse situations than anything you and I have been through.

  9. 13 hours ago, mont86 said:

    Do you use fone or PC or tablet ?

    Normally I use PC but do for a upgrade ,now using a tablet.. sometimes smartphone... All look different to my eye... 

    I generally use my laptop or desktop because those are the two I spend most of my time doing animation videos and video editing. I only surf the internet on my cell phone when I am not near any of these. I do surf the internet on my tablet when looking for mobile games, game reviews or new ebooks to read.

  10. 9 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    I have never fasted and never plan on doing so. I love my food to much to do such as thing even if studies have shown it is good for your health. Generally speaking, I feel awful if I don't eat three meals a day and I tend to get irritable quickly.

    Fair enough - It isn't for everyone.


    9 hours ago, Jayson said:

    I don't like fasting.  However, a good workout/water burns out a lot of impurities that make us feel miserable.

    You should try taking a powerful detoxifier like turpentine to help to get rid of the impurities as well as drink a LOT of water as this will flush out the toxins faster.

  11. On 12/17/2018 at 3:10 AM, UleTheVee said:

    I'm going to sound like I hate almost everyone here and I am a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian. However, I love the Modern Era of gaming and the games we have gotten in the 8th generation of consoles. Sure, we have a lot of unhealthy and unethical business practices in games. However, we also saw magnificent works like God of War, Spider Man, Cuphead, The World Ends With You, Smash Bros, Mortal Kombat, BlazBlue CrossTag Battle, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Flinthook, Moonlighter, This is the Police II, alongside many, many more games both from AAA and indie developers.


    Yeah. The graphics of games nowadays are really eye-catching and gameplay mechanics are way smoother than any other time I can remember in gaming.


    On 12/18/2018 at 12:30 PM, Alyxx said:

    Agree 110%

    Most Definitely.

  12. On 12/25/2018 at 6:56 PM, Alyxx said:

    Yeah the original Deus Ex is definitely more famous for its gameplay innovations than its story in all fairness.

    I can't remember what the original Deus Ex did that was innovative but I keep hearing that about it. Why can't I remember? lol

  13. On 12/25/2018 at 7:18 PM, Alyxx said:

    To me, VR will always be an amazing concept to explore, and we are getting closer to realizing it but I think at the moment it WILL still be delegated to being too gimmicky to really be useful as a way of playing most games.

    It is pretty hilarious to see people walking into walls though lol. VR is really dangerous especially with overreactive people because they may very well do something stupid like dive onto a thin glass table and hurt themselves badly.

  14. On 12/29/2018 at 5:32 PM, Jayson said:

    It can be, of course, but then again, so is the internet.  Anyway, it's tough to say where it crosses the line from habit to something insane.  Any ideas?

    There is something called self-control. What I notice is that every time individuals can't control themselves from doing something, they blame it on some form of disease. When they shoot up an entire school, it is mental illness - When they steal something, it is mental illness - when an individual cannot exercise self-control when playing video games, it is a disorder. There are probably a few instances where it is a general illness but in most cases, you find it is a lack of self-discipline.

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