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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I hate getting up before the sun rises, I'm not sure why but it grinds my gears. Unless I am travelling a very far distance or to catch an early flight, I am not getting up that early lol.
  2. I have a 256GB verison in my Samsung galaxy S7 Edge and I am nowhere near running out of space on it. Which Samsung phone was that? The Galaxy S6 because I remember those came without micro SD card support.
  3. I agree. I wouldn't waste my money on a limited edition console especially when it has no clear benefits over the original and even worse - you own the original console.
  4. It is amazing! I enjoy feeding the townsfolk to crocodiles - I don't know why lol
  5. I vaguely remember this game, if I'm not mistaken wasn't this some kind of side scrolling platformer - like Mario?
  6. I just hope they hurry up and refine the online version and release the finished product.
  7. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the only reason I ever took back my Xbox one from my cousin - at least, until the pc release later this year.
  8. My big brother loves sports games as well.
  9. And remember, don't jump off the bed if something brushes your arm while playing it 😂 (it's not like I did that...ok maybe I did but don't judge me...)
  10. It depends on the movie because I watch "Don't Be A Menace To South Central" and other movies all the time and it never bothers me.
  11. killamch89


    Nope, but from what I have heard and the reviews it has gotten, they say it is a pretty crappy horror movie, a major disappointment etc.
  12. You should give Alien - Isolation a go. Believe me, after an hour you will never attempt to play it at nights again lol.
  13. killamch89


    I grew up on the Simpsons and I still watch it every now and then. I just feel like it is suffering from the same symptoms as Family Guy and South Park - a lack of original content and it is totally understandable when a show has been around that long given that they will have explored most topics at least once.
  14. Not an avid country music listener but there are a few that I would bump my head to.
  15. Bruno Mars - That's what I like Kendrick Lamar - DNA Kanye West - Power
  16. I mean, it is a good series and I have played most of the games and enjoyed them but I just don't get it either.
  17. I think it was boiling over way before that but that particular incident is the straw that broke the camel's back.
  18. Well, it is your opinion lol.
  19. killamch89

    Mad TV

    Exactly. Mad TV was one of my favorite shows to watch on Comedy Central and on Saturday Night Live and without people like Aries Spears, the show wouldn't recapture the charm of the original.
  20. I guess I need to lock you both in then. 😂
  21. A fair argument but the problem we have with EA is that they are no longer interested in just making a quality game. They are instead, always trying to find new ways of milking their customer base while not improving on the quality of their titles and are charging premium prices to appease their investors. They aren't interested in creating memorable experiences that offers a lot of replay value, it is just a cash grind and this has been EA for almost a decade or even further going back.
  22. When I used to watch Tv regularly, it was 2 and a half men.
  23. Same thing I said. In fact, that goes for most remakes - the very special moments can never truly be remade because the actors and their interaction at that moment can never be done the same way.
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