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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. On 12/29/2018 at 5:23 PM, Jayson said:

    I think every villain has a story, but it might not be enough to make me not destroy them!  I mean, what villain - as in anywhere - even out of games - doesn't have some excuse?

    There are some villains that have always had an urge to create destruction and chaos just for the heck of it while there are some that were created by the same system that was supposed to nurture them and turn them into functional individuals that could contribute positively to their society.

  2. 16 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    Yeah pretty much. Though maybe we'll see MIcrosoft dominating the next cycle again.

    With the Nintendo Switch out, that's probably not going to happen again lol. It'll now be between Sony and Nintendo and Nintendo are wrecking Sony - for once.

  3. 14 hours ago, Rey said:

    Yeah they are going to do a remake plus there’s going to be a real titanic ship setting sail I believe in 2020 or 2022

    I knew about the ship being built. Hopefully, it is iceberg-proof this time lol.

  4. 14 hours ago, Rey said:

    I personal think PC games are boring. I was never able to get into it.

    Actually, it is a lot more fun than console gaming because most PC games can be modded by PC users enhancing the entertainment factor of said game while the console variants cannot.

  5. On 12/18/2018 at 12:33 PM, Alyxx said:

    PS3 wasn't a big hit for Sony though, at least in terms of early sales. The XBox 360 was the big king of that generation. But obviously Sony had a big success with the PS4 and the XBox One hasn't really done well this generation so the tables turned.

    You mean normalcy had returned lol. The PS2 dominated the Xbox but the PS3 was a major slip-up for Sony.

  6. 19 hours ago, Jayson said:

    In regards to PC, not sure about this, but I think the graphics and game play can way exceed a console.  Well, actually, considering that the memory and graphic options are so upgradeable on gaming PCs - that's not a guess!

    Consoles are usually at or around the budget gaming desktop level which after a year it falls way behind budget desktops come out around that time with better hardware.

  7. On 12/29/2018 at 10:12 AM, mont86 said:

    Interesting.. Video tricks to make my play look better too. Lol

    Yes Mont, some of them do resort to that tactic just for bragging rights to say they are the best and for their Youtube channel to gain more popularity.

  8. On 11/9/2018 at 4:04 PM, Jerlene said:

    Season tickets are good for avid sports fans who are at every game. It saves a lot of money in the long run. So do you have any annual passes? If so, what team do you have them for? 

    No, I do not have any Season tickets at all.

  9. 2 hours ago, mont86 said:

    I thought that was implied.. We are our own worst enemy.

    Yes, The human race is its own worst enemy. I mean,  let's use the instance - a nuclear bomb - quite a few countries around the world has thousands of them. In addition to their natural destructive force, they also tend to pollute the said area with radiation for decades, making that particular area uninhabitable for humans and wildlife. It's not like we are constantly being invaded by aliens and they could be somewhat useful in turning the tide of a battle against them. Instead, they are made to protect countries from each other... the worst part about it is the nuclear bombs of today are exponentially more powerful than the ones used on the Japanese. If just a couple of those were to go off, it may very well end life on this planet in an instant.

  10. On 12/13/2018 at 1:58 PM, DarthHazard said:

    I know that Xbox had a similar thing with surveys where if you completed surveys and got a few different achievements, you got credit for the Xbox marketplace which was good. It wasn't high paying but it was decent enough to get some extra credit. I had no idea that PlayStation did this, to be honest. It sounds great. I just did a quick search to find out more and unfortunately, it seems that it isn't available for us over in the UK. Hopefully, they let us use it soon.

    Yeah. It isn't available for many countries to be fair.

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