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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Also to note is that Camtasia can backup your video projects to a cloud if you turn on the function via Settings.
  2. killamch89


    I haven't really heard of it before - what is platform like? what is the pricing model?
  3. I also like running and shooting rather than camping because sitting in one place is boring to me.
  4. Not going to lie I also had the Nintendo Power Pad at home. It and the rifle for Duck Hunt were my two first gaming accessories if my memory serves me right.
  5. The Nintendo power glove wouldn't look out of place in a Power Ranger Series or any sci-fi movie of the late 80s/early 90s
  6. Nintendo is very strict with their copyright procedures because even with Youtubers uploading games like Zelda among other signature Nintendo games, monetizing the videos puts them at risk of being taken down by Nintendo which is bonkers.
  7. I'm not sure why you'd believe the Switch Lite would get any exclusives when it is just a slightly downgraded Switch.
  8. My gripe with the Switch Lite is that it lacks some of the basics just like the original such as Bluetooth connectivity (it's 2019 for God's sake, Bluetooth should be mandatory without additional accessories or dongles).
  9. I also wondered why it never had Bluetooth support because at the time of its launch Bluetooth was gaining popularity in the tech industry so that decision really baffled me. What baffles me even more is that the Switch Lite also lacks Bluetooth support.
  10. He's been in the Nintendo culture pretty long so I'm sure he'll do a fantastic job.
  11. Do you use your Nintendo 3DS? I'm curious because I also have one brand new one which I've had for the past 3 years and I've never really used it. I also have Pokemon Omega Ruby for it but I just don't find it interesting enough to play it.
  12. Have you ever played Team Fortress 2 or CS:GO?
  13. Xpertthief is a great Youtuber who does some excellent streams on Twitch. There is also a guy called Elanip that does GTA 5 RP videos who occasionally does some streams on Twitch as well.
  14. Are you talking about the L340 or the S340 model? I think both are decent budget gaming laptops that will meet the needs of many casual gamers.
  15. Only game developers per say - Linux on a whole is developed for developers not the regular PC gamer/consumer so Windows is the default choice.
  16. I do have to agree with you on Dell machines because I had the same issue with a computer we bought from them when I was a teenager. We had a defective motherboard for the first machine we bought, the second machine we exchanged it for had a defective battery, the third machine we got when we returned the second had a faulty CPU -_-. I've never really bought any Dell products after that.
  17. Not sure if I care that much but it seems like a good move on EA's part.
  18. The problem is, apart from a few companies, the rest are lying scumbags who deliver broken pieces of junk for top dollar and try to milk every last cent out of us the gamers. They then try to justify their crappy practices with things like "to improve the gamer experience, we had to charge our players even more".
  19. Customization is like art - it must not be rushed. You have to constantly do it everyday until you get the "perfect look".
  20. You forgot the part where they said single-player games are mostly dead and yet a couple of years later, are banking on the success of an upcoming single-player Star Wars game. Oh the irony...
  21. To be fair, Alien Isolation is a pretty hard game to finish because the Aliens themselves have adaptive capabilities so you have to constantly change up your strategy to have any chance of beating the game. How'd you know I suck at Alien Isolation?
  22. It wasn't just the cartoony graphics although that is a big part of why I didn't like it either, it was the personality of the characters that also turned me off.
  23. It can one-hit kill you by using both abilities simultaneously - the only real thing that can damage it is by making it use its own electric attacks to damage itself while it has the water armor ability active.
  24. It is a well developed mod and you can tell just how much work the modder put into the mod by the level of detail.
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