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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Favorite Marvel Superhero?
  2. I came across this cat video the other day and couldn't stop laughing. The cat literally sounds like he has hit puberty lol and it sounds like he's saying "wow". This cat might have more bass in his voice than I have 😂. Have you come across any ridiculously hilarious pet videos like this?
  3. I meditate once a day, every day. It gives me time to just appreciate the stillness of the present moment and really does affect my mood positively. Have you ever done meditation and if you do, how often do you meditate?
  4. Some relatives and I went to my Mother's house for dinner and then I took my month's supply of food when I was leaving lol.
  5. I agree with you, GTA 4 despite its flaws stuck to the GTA theme. I hope they don't do this in Red Dead Redemption or GTA VI.
  6. I have been bored with TV for years 🤣 but it's awesome that you decided to join the gaming community. You should try to get more of your friends involved so you can all learn together.
  7. Some may have the natural skills from playing similar types of games over a long period of time and some of them do lie about their skills. They use video edits to fool their viewers.
  8. lol. I grew up in a somewhat hostile environment and came across a lot of these things as a kid and in my teenage years so you could say I was a bit "numb" to things like this in video games having witnessed the real thing.
  9. One other tip - when using weapons like a rocket launcher/ grenade launcher and aiming at someone who is some distance away from you try to aim your shot ahead of them so they end up running right into the projectile. This strategy counts on your opponent continuing on the same path with little to no change in direction.
  10. Alien and Predator would probably win because the predator can simply hide its presence and has a ridiculous number of gadgets specifically created to annihilate anything in their path and Xenomorphs come with a wide array of abilities which include spitting acid capable of melting anything on sight. Terminator and Robocop aren't equipped to deal with this level if threat at all.
  11. I believe they should be thoroughly evaluated before such a claim can have any substance. I have noticed in quite a few court cases in the United States, the person that is claiming mental illness planned such a methodical crime yet the jury and judge accepts their plea of insanity. I believe majority of them use it as a way to escape jail time and to not be held accountable for their actions.
  12. Same here but I am aware that Racism will always exist and not everyone is accepting of people with drastically different physical features and culture. For instance, I will never see a bunch of KKK parading around and act like they deserve my respect.
  13. Don't worry my friend doesn't either lol.
  14. killamch89


    I have always been into hip-hop, Reggae and RnB because my big brother was the one always listening to it. I also do listen to a bit of every genre of music - but mainly those 3.
  15. When you hear me go on about the Metal Gear series is because it is full of interesting characters and the story is ridiculously deep.
  16. lol, the last time I ever got any gaming gifts for Christmas was my parents buying me a PS2 in high school. If they are buying me anything it's normally clothes.
  17. Wrestle a Grizzly bear?🤣
  18. Yoga? I am not that flexible by the way and the classes are expensive as hell lol.
  19. A Nokia 3310. That phone was like a brick - literally lol. Thai food is amazing especially their Barbecue chicken - delicious! Go into hiding until everyone forgets about it - getting into a rap battle with Eminem is suicidal for your career. All you'll be remembered as is a statistic lol. GTA V online, Red Dead Redemption, Witcher 3...this one is rarely for obvious reasons, Skyrim My biggest goal is to improve on this year because this year has been an amazing year for me, especially in my freelancing pursuits. Mario for the Original Nintendo
  20. How about trying planks - try to hold it for 5 seconds - it builds abdominal and back strength. Gradually add 5 more seconds over a period of time until you can hold it for 3 minutes or more.
  21. I saw the new DLC and some of the vehicles are cool but the atomizer weapon that they released on Christmas is way too overpowered. The one problem I have with GTA V nowadays is that they are throwing in any and everything into the game. Hover Bikes, flying cars, futuristic weapons - to be honest, I don't know if it's GTA or Saints Row anymore.
  22. You can't have the diet without the exercise - it's like missing the chicken in a chicken sandwich or the peanut from the peanut butter - you'll just have butter. Wait what?... I am pretty sure the last point was way off but you get what I'm saying lol. Start with 1 pushup - try to get the technique proper then when you can successfully do one pushup, go on to two etc. Take it at your own pace. You'll be amazed at how far you will reach if you do that just 3 times a week.
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