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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. On 12/13/2018 at 7:42 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    What videogames feature enemies you can easily feel sympathetic towards?

    Gray Fox from the original Metal Gear Solid. He was a child soldier who was kidnapped by the CIA and experimented on. The particular experiment was to turn him into the perfect soldier - a warrior who would just be a walking killing machine without remorse. Of course, he was kept in a fluid-filled tank outside of battle to reset his memories and suppress his emotions. However, the project had a huge effect on his psyche when those memories and emotions started coming to the surface, constantly tormenting him to the point he started to beg for death. 

  2. On 12/17/2018 at 12:54 PM, DarthHazard said:

    It had to be Grand Theft Auto. I know that there have been some other games recently that have been breathtaking and amazing, but GTA V was the first one that I really thought, WOW. The game was so ahead of its time and even looked great on the old generation consoles. And they then went ahead and improved it even further when they brought it out for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I can't wait for the next GTA game because it will surely be outstanding.

    If GTA VI was announced tomorrow, I'd be camping out in front of Best Buy for the next how many years until its release  🤣

  3. To be honest, I haven't really tried VR gaming myself either and for some strange reason, not really interested - especially in this early phase of its development. On the other hand, I do have a VR set for my cell phone so I can watch content *cough*porn*cough* 🤣 (p.s. I was kidding about the last part lol)

  4. Back in the days, I got paid for competing in Smash, Gran Tourismo, Fifa and Mortal Kombat Tournaments. Other than twitch and Youtube streaming or having a huge Youtube gaming channel, I am not certain there is any other way to get paid for gaming over the internet. I also left out Sponsorship by a gaming company like Epic Games or others.

  5. On 12/24/2018 at 2:49 PM, DylanC said:

    Sorry, I just didn't want you to go into it thinking it might be like a Souls-like. You should definitely give FTL a chance. Completing FTL on Hard mode is a phenomenal feat. Heck, completing the game on Easy is a challenge on its own when you're first starting out. I'd suggest trying to beat it on Easy first, and then working your way up the difficulty settings. It's a brutal, unforgiving game.

    I was watching someone play it on Hard and does that guy have insane reflexes! I'd have died 1000 times already if that was me lol

  6. 4 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    In my opinion that was a worse situation than Watch_Dogs. Heck I'd say Aliens Colonial Marines was a WAY worse situation than Watch_Dogs yet everyone talks about Watch_Dogs as if it's on par with it when it's clearly not...

    I think it's the amount of hype it got just like the division...although Watch Dogs is nowhere near the crap that The Division was.

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