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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 4 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Ew, subscriptions for online programs. What is this Nintendo Online? Get that console peasant shit outta here.

    I know a few games like that but I don't agree with that kind of policy either.

  2. 4 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    I started with the PlayStation One. To be more specific, I got the slim version

    The one thing I used to hate about Playstation and PS2 games is that if you one of your CD's have even the tiniest scratch, the game may very well not work lol

  3. 3 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    The Shrine of Stendarr in Skyrim makes for an excellent toilet.

    I don't have one in particular. Favourite authors: Tanith Lee, Mervyn Peake, Shawn Michel de Montaigne. Books by these fabulous people 🙂

    Booker DeWitt in Bioshock Infinite. He had some seriously towering darkness within him, but he still managed to beat it in the end.

    What's yours?

    It's a tie between Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid and Kratos from the God Of War because both are extremely brave and fearless warriors who will fight to the death and they are pretty good at taking out whole armies.

  4. 1 hour ago, Alyxx said:

    Yes. Broccoli. I'm a broccoli addict.

    If I wasn't allergic, probably a fox.

    I'm not interested in football.

    Lara Croft.

    lol, Wow...just wow. Probably the first time I have ever heard something like this - you learn something new every day.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alyxx said:

    Yeah Mankind Divided fell short on the story I agree. But it's still a lot of fun to play. I just felt more invested in Human Revolution.

    It was a really deep and intricate conspiracy story - I don't think I have seen many stories in video games like that except maybe Metal Gear Solid.

  6. As a child, I got the original Playstation about a month after it was released. My first set of games for it were mainly demos with games like Jet Moto, Tekken and I think I also had Tony Hawk pro-skater on the same demo as well. I then got Fifa98, Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Grand Tourismo which I played the hell out of them.

  7. 11 minutes ago, DylanC said:

    Aye, picking it up for $10 is a steal! If you go in with tempered expectations, I'm sure you'll glean a lot of fun from it! Like I said, it's not the best FO game, but it's far from a bad game.

    I get your point.

  8. Just now, DylanC said:

    Dude, Fallout 76 is legit underrated. Sure, it's not the best in the series but it's actually super atmospheric, addicting and a whole lot of fun. I find the gaming community can have a bit of a "herd mentality" (which is funny cause that's a mutation In Fallout 76, lol). It's not the best in the series, but it can be a fun time if you're in the mood for some exploration, an interesting world and some "comfort food" style gaming. Everyone's different, though, right? 

    Yeah you right but I'll wait until it there is a $10 dollar deal and then I'll probably buy it.

  9. On 12/12/2018 at 1:30 PM, Shortie861 said:

    I used to play many years ago while I was pregnant with my first child, but I don't think going back into it now would be a wise decision. The last time I played World of Warcraft, I nearly lost an entire day after getting sucked into it. 😛  It's also the monthly subscription I have a problem with, I don't have the disposable income to invest in a game each month with little to no time to play it. 

    I also used to play it back in the days although I was never really heavily invested in it. I also wouldn't pay for the monthly subscription because I wouldn't have any time to play it so I would just be wasting money.

  10. On 11/29/2018 at 12:01 AM, italianmunchiez said:

    Fame, Money, and power can certainly go to ones head but it seems like most celebrities and rappers like to challenge the law. It's just ashame how talented celebrities who literally have everything in life just throw there lives away by going and getting locked up so much potential waste. Some would argue the fact their stupid for doing this, If I was a celebrity I would cut any ties with any sort of people commiting crime because they can take me down with them, anyway I wanted to ask you guys for your opinions on celebrities going crazy and wasting there lives by commiting several crimes.

    Being a black person who also grew up in a troubled community, I can give a bit of context as to why they do it - sometimes. The way they act at times is out of dealing with racism and prejudice from the justice system itself - in their own way, they try to protect themselves. yes, you grow up around some shady people but those shady people help to keep other shady people from their area trying to kill them out of jealousy/hate etc. It's not easy cutting ties with those shady people when they are grew up with you and always looked after your best interest and prevented any serious harm from coming to you. You can't just throw them away and if you start avoiding them, they will feel betrayed and turn on you as well. It's crazy but that is how it is at times. You have those that just doing it for notoriety but for some, it's more of an art of survival that they learnt growing up "in the streets".

  11. 1 hour ago, DarthHazard said:

    Sometimes. I actually had this issue recently because I got slightly bored with my current PS4 game collection and wanted a new game. The main thing that I was missing was having a first-person shooter because I get one every year. But this year, I was slightly disappointed with both Black Ops 4 and Battlefield 5 so didn't get it at first. But in the end I bought BO4 recently so I'm not bored anymore. Plus I get to still enjoy my other games.

    Battlefield 4 is a brilliant game - definitely one of the best in the series. Too bad EA ruined the franchise with Battlefield V - the most lazily built game of the year. It's basically a Battlefield 1 DLC lol

  12. 1 hour ago, DarthHazard said:

    I do think that people misinterpreted the meaning of EA's statement on singleplayer games though. They did say that they thought linear singleplayer games were not as popular anymore. They never said anything about open world singleplayer games like RDR for example. I do agree with you though, I despise EA for what they have done with FIFA. It's the main reason why I returned my copy of the game this year.

    I have been done with Fifa since 2016 and their Battlefield V fiasco where they called their consumers "ignorant and uneducated" trying to shove some stupid agenda down our throats when battlefield was known as a franchise for its accurate depictions of historical events. Not to mention EA ruined the Mass Effect franchise.

  13. 7 hours ago, DylanC said:

    F-Zero, Super Punch Out, Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Super Matio Kart (had a SNES mini session with my mate).

    no Top Gear? lol. I used to play the hell out of F-Zero and Killer Instinct.

  14. 22 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    Been playing the franchise since Fallout 2 so... long time fan.

    I think Fallout 4 is a great game. But it's not a good Fallout game. Fallout 76 I absolutely love but it's definitely not Fallout either lol. But I will admit the idea of a survival game in the Fallout universe makes a lot of sense to me.

    I've played Human Revolution to death! Platinumed both the original release and the director's cut. I still play it now and then just because I love it so much.

    Human Revolution is always a pretty fun game to play and I also play it every now and then. Mankind Divided isn't bad either - the story is just not quite as gripping as human revolution but the gameplay and abilities are a lot more fun.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    I think Fallout 4 is great personally. I've played the hell out of it.

    If I wasn't playing DUSK and Far Cry 5 I'd be playing that. Usually my go-to game with friends nowadays.

    I'm not really addicted to it, but I do have fun with it when I play it.

    Good for you. You're the first set of people I have encountered that actually loves Fallout 76.

  16. 22 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    Disappointed this year with Battlefield. I usually love it but I'm just not a fan of the World War 2 setting. I tried out the demo as well but I wasn't happy so in the end, I didn't get it this year. The problem for me is that after a World War one based game (Battlefield 1), they should have gone back to having a modern game. There's a real lack of items and I just think things are a bit too similar to the previous Battlefield. Hopefully, their next one will be back to a modern setting and I'll be looking forward to that.

    EA's game quality has been really lacking the last 5 years. It shouldn't surprise anyone because they don't care about their customers, they only care about your money and pushing an agenda.

  17. 7 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Currently, that’s Fallout 76 for me. Very addictive stuff.

    You mean Fallout 4 online lol. You're the first person I have heard who is addicted to it - most of my hardcore Fallout-loving friends were trying to get refunds because they wasted $60 dollars on it. Everyone has a preference though so I won't judge lol.

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