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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 10 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    LOL, I was away from it since Battlefield Hardline.

    EA has been taking an absolute beating all year in sales and I hope it gets worse. We need that greedy anti-consumer company to go bankrupt.


    21 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    It's a pretty easy choice for me. Like Infected, it would have to be Rockstar as well. They are my favourite developer and they have the two best gaming series', Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. I have never ever been disappointed by their games (well the singleplayer portions anyway) and I can always look forward to pre-ordering their upcoming games without worrying about anything. Plus, the amount of money they make, it would be stupid not too choose them.

    GTA V Online may be somewhat of a huge cash grab now but you are correct about the quality of Rockstar's work - They always make solid games - take L.A. Noire for instance. A 30's detective thriller in a somewhat open-world setting. I don't feel it gets enough acclaim as GTA V or RDR 2 but it is a solid game nonetheless.

  2. 10 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Uhm, you know that EA actually treats indie developers the best right?

    It's a ticking time bomb the moment developers join EA because if one of their releases doesn't sell the expected numbers, EA shuts them down their project and leaves the developers to rot and won't even hand back over the rights to the developer's original work.

  3. 7 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Dude, that’s very cool! Nollie shove-its and kickflips are badass! 💪🏼

    Yeah. I also used to have roller blades as well - I used to love watching the X-games for the extreme stunts from Tony Hawk and other pro-skateboarders.

  4. 10 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Isn't trolling supposed to be inherently malicious?

    No, You have different kinds of trolling - You have the malicious ones that tell people to commit suicide, throw around racist remarks and are just outright disgusting. Then you have harmless trolls like me who will trick other people in-game into falling for a trap/gag and everyone laughs. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    I don't bother. I just don't see the point of it. We're all here to play the game and I think it's important to let everyone enjoy the game. I've seen a few trolling videos on Twitter and YouTube though and some of them can be quite funny. Most of them are harmless and it's just people trying to trick people into thinking something. 

    That's exactly what I do lol. Everybody normally laughs even the person getting trolled...

  6. https://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3539044/resident-evil-2-demo/


    I came across this interesting piece of news recently that a one-shot demo of the Resident Evil 2 Remake will be made available on the Microsoft Store on January 11, 2019 - 2 weeks before the games full release which is January 25, 2019. I am kind of conflicted to go and get it because the demo will just serve to lessen my patience for the full game. Are you going to get the demo? Or are you going to wait for it's full release?

  7. I remember playing top gear for the Super NES back in the days but no, I wouldn't recommend buying one because you can easily find emulators to run those same games. If you are buying it as a collector's item for the nostalgia effect, then you can do it.

  8. On 11/21/2018 at 3:16 PM, DylanC said:

    I started skateboarding in my teens with a few friends but as I stopped hanging out with 'em, I skateboarded less and less to the point of having a 10 year gap where I never skateboarded at all. I've recently got back into it (I'm 36 now!) and I'm really loving it! I'm by no means an expert, but I've got a few basic moves like ollies, shuvits and power slides down. I'm working on my pop shuvits and kick flips at the moment. Anyone else like to skateboard? How old are you? How long you been skateboarding? What tricks have you got nailed?

    When I was a kid I used to skateboard but I have outgrown it. Back in the day, I could do a Nollie shove-it and kick flips.

  9. On 11/5/2018 at 7:07 AM, o-o said:

    When I played football, I prefered to play over watching. It is way funnier 🙂

    I agree - I prefer to go on the pitch and play although I do love watching it as well. My friends and I play football most Sundays 🙂

  10. Football players are padded up in all kinds of protective equipment so they won't really feel anything. If you have ever taken soccer tackle especially studs up in your shin or being elbowed in the face or being stamped on then you'd have a different opinion.

  11. In most online games I play, I tend to be a huge troll - I am not the malicious kind fo troll - I'm more the one that everyone laughs with and I don't usually troll my own team because I obviously want to win. Do you troll in online games and if so, what kind of troll are you?

  12. On 12/7/2018 at 7:39 AM, FrozenPixel studio said:

    We have a official subreddit, and Discord, now. You are welcome to join.

    Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/Nanobotic

    Discord: https://discord.gg/nDNUP9k

    Whatever you guys do please don't let EA or one of those major companies try to buy out your company because all they will do is ruin your hard work. Your game looks extremely promising so far but I would like a bit more detail as to what the objective of your video game is - a bit of backstory would be nice.

  13. On 12/19/2018 at 7:00 PM, UleTheVee said:

    Nobody decides to go for the ones that take on anti-consumer business practices like Activision/EA.

    When all you can do is make a company reestructure and release games like a sequel to Diablo III or revive the Dead Space franchise.

    Seriously guys, think about it!

    *Cough*Bethesda*Cough* EA, Activision, and Bethesda are the worst when it comes to business practices - EA is in a league of their own though. The whole battlefield 5 fiasco totally turned me off from the franchise.

  14. 18 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Yeah, it's known as the Tactile generation. Because of the fact that they grow up during the rise of tactile devices.

    Thanks for the history lesson lol

  15. This list is in no particular order although RDR2 would top my list:

    1) Red Dead Redemption 2

    2)GTA V online



    5)Robocraft (since they have started re-adding the original elements, I have come back to this game.)

    6)Monster Hunter World

    7)Hitman 2


    9)Metal Gear Solid 5

    10)Far Cry 4

  16. On 12/19/2018 at 7:25 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

    Do you ever get bored of the same video games that you are playing? I certainty do but I have my ways of overcoming this. Give it a week or two and I'm bored I will alternate between video games and then to return to the original after a couple of weeks to avoid boredom  

    Since I don't have that much time to play video games nowadays, I won't get tired of them that easily and I do tend to mix it up so my video gaming experience always feels fresh.

  17. 4 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    Single player will not go away for a long time as long as these amazing and outstanding games are coming out like God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. The Red Dead Redemption 2 story was immense and for me, it was the best game that I have ever played. The graphics, the story and the gameplay was just out of this world and no other game that I have played can come close. It's easy to see it's not dying out since single player games especially on the PS4 have been doing great.

    People need to stop listening to EA's marketing team lol. The number of multiplayer games that have flopped over the past year alone - especially EA titles tells you all you need to know. If anyone hasn't figured it out by now, I despise EA - I am happy to see their stock plummet so much in a year. I hope they go bankrupt - I really do.

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