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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 13 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Also, Discord is offering a 90/10 cut now. So yeah, that proposition from Epic Games fell out of the water.

    I see your point now. I'm not sure Epic Games can offer a better deal than that - How do you even compete with that? lol 

  2. 13 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    More like the guy who doesn't want to be in anyone's business lol


    13 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    It would be great for us as gamers because there's nothing better than having more people to play with especially if your friends are on different consoles. With crossplay, you wouldn't have to worry about what console your friend gets, you can get what you want and still be able to play with them. I seriously doubt it is coming soon though. There is no benefit to the gaming companies by doing this because they could potentially be losing out people getting their console.

    Your comment is spot and even though Microsoft and Nintendo will say the console wars is foolishness, they are only saying that now because Sony was dominating them. I remember some 10 years ago Sony brought forward the same proposal to Microsoft and Microsoft point-blank refused so I can see why Sony would be hesitant to co-operate.

  3. 13 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    And this is why you gotta expand your library m8

    You right. it's just that I don't have that much time to game anymore.

    11 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    1. Borderlands 2
    2. Mass Effect
    3. Deus Ex
    4. Duke Nukem Forever
    5. Fallout 2
    6. Super Mario World
    7. Doom
    8. Tomb Raider II
    9. Grim Fandango
    10. Duke Nukem

    I love your list as well. The original Fallout developers are coming out with a new game in 2019 called the outer worlds. From what I have seen, It's basically the love child of Borderlands and Fallout.

  4. On 11/18/2018 at 11:21 AM, Shortie861 said:

    I remember reading that article! When I saw it I thought to myself "How on earth can their be 384 genders?" I was under the impression and I was definitely brought up to believe that their were only two genders. I am a firm believer that there are only two genders and nothing more and I understand that people do sometimes change from one gender to another but even so.. that doesn't give them another name, they are either becoming a man or a woman therefore they are either male or female. 

    We sure do live in a crazy world at the moment and I sometimes do wonder what someone will come out with next. 383 genders is definitely the craziest just recently! 

    That's why I want to hurry up and get that underground bunker to seal myself away from all the stupidity in this world.

  5. On 12/16/2018 at 2:58 PM, mont86 said:

    Hello my name is monty and new to gaming.. Older then normal so please bare with me.

    Just bought xbox 1 on ebay and ghost recon.. Friends boy was playing it and it looked like a blas..



    Welcome mate and gaming is for all ages. Please be active and let us all have a fun time :classic_biggrin:

  6. I'd barracade myself in a Twinkie factory - Unlimited creamy goodness - mhmmm. I'd also make sure I create some makeshift weapons like a flamethrower with aerosol cans and lighters because you know Zombies hate fire and throw some water on the ground around an inactive generator and put some jumper cables into the water. If the zombies manage to get to that section they'd be in for a "shocking" ordeal...Badum tsss!..get it because I turn on the genera - Ok I'll see myself out.

  7. 20 minutes ago, kingpotato said:

    You can play it on Gamecube, Wii or Wii U, I got the Wii version not bad despite the motion controls

    lol I got an emulator so I will look up the game shortly...🤣🤣

  8. On 12/20/2018 at 3:52 AM, UleTheVee said:

    The first game I played like this was The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Nowadays most of my game time is spent binge-playing the games I play. So no matter what, I am always playing

    I guess I'll need to check it out then. What platform was Twilight Princess on?(I know it's nintendo but which system specifically).

  9. 2 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    It depends on how the courts see it I guess. I'm not sure how the law works for this because it's dancing and I'm not sure they can copyright dances. Plus, what makes it so that Carlton gets the money from Epic. Since it was on a TV show, should the TV show not then get the money since the dance could technically be theirs?

    I think it's the company that aired Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air that sued so yeah it's the owner of the show.

  10. On 12/12/2018 at 6:47 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

    I really don't care about the look of my Gaming PC. People splash out an extra of couple of hundred bucks just to impress their friends which means they are scared of social pressure. I pay more for the performance, not the visual appearance.  Look is important however It has to be fit for purpose. 

    I agree. I hate buying things just for the sake of buying them - everything I get must serve a purpose to me.

  11. 39 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    Any of the Rockstar games really. Literally, every single story that Rockstar has created and brought out for their games has been outstanding. But I do think that Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2 deserves special recognition. RDR2 especially had such a great story and I'm sure it would make a great movie. I mean it's almost already a great movie, the cutscenes and actions that you had to take were just out of this world. There was nothing cheesy about it and everything was unexpected, you couldn't just predict what might happen.

    You are correct. Rockstar's games usually always have a very solid and compelling story with drama - it would make quality movie material.

  12. 2 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    I've heard Monster Hunter World and Octopath Traveler are both great. Both will be on the Top 10 Games of 2018 list anyway.

    I have Monster hunter World but I'm not certain it is labelled as a RPG. I'll give Octopath Traveler a look since I hardly know anything about this game.

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