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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. Modded Skyrim with Red Dead Redemption 2 a very close second and although I am currently playing RDR 2 more, Skyrim is the one game I am addicted to because you can turn your Skyrim game into anything you want it to be. The modding community for Skyrim is awesome and still very vibrant even after 7 years.

  2. On 12/9/2018 at 7:53 PM, Joshua Farrell said:

    I generally clean every 2-3 months, along with cleaning my desk that have it on. Helps keep everything nice and fresh.

    Same here. I keep mine clean as I am a bit of a germophobe lol - I don't go overboard with it though.

  3. 36 minutes ago, DylanC said:

    The notion that gaming costs have risen over the years is just a fact.

    Yours and my expectations for games has gone up over the years/generations since you and I started gaming, but the price of games has pretty much stayed the same. So, the complexity of making a modern game that will be profitable and successful is MUCH harder these days. That's just a fact.

    Look at it this way. The price of a chocolate bar has gone up significantly since we were kids. They're around three/four times the price of what we used to pay growing up. However, our EXPECTATIONS for a chocolate bar has stayed mostly the same.

    Our EXPECTATIONS for games on the other hand have changed DRASTICALLY. But the price of games have, for the most part, stayed mostly the same since the NES days. And because of this, it's cultivated a very risky environment for publishers and developers to create games in, to the point where entire teams live and die by the success of just ONE GAME. In other words, the middle ground has eroded to the point where the environment can only mostly sustain indies and big AAA games. Something's gotta give, right?

    Sure, DLC, Microtransactions, loot boxes etc. are a way to recoup some money for these companies (and sometimes they can be executed in an egregious and exploitative way), but those are not the answer, really.

    I'd consider Hellblade, Spider-Man (which was funded by Sony) and Cuphead (which was part funded by Microsoft, right?) exceptions to the rule rather than the status quo. Essentially, Hellblade was a massive risk for Ninja Theory, but thankfully it paid off. 

    Back to licensed games, and it's still a risky proposition for publishers/developers. Plus, the well has been somewhat poisoned by the raft of poorly executed cash grabs from last generation. 

    Still, I hold out hope that some great licensed video games are around the corner for us... it's just a much harder environment for them to be made in than it was 5/10 years ago.



    Gamers nowadays would not necessarily be interested in these types of games anymore because they already how the game is likely going to end and most times, the game can only have a limited number of locations unless it is a loose interpretation of the movie it is based on. And yes, these genre of games tend to be very lackluster in terms of content and overall gameplay.

  4. I have a powerful desktop for gaming but my gaming laptop is mainly for animation and video editing as those are my sources of income. A desktop is your best bet for proper gaming but a laptop is a decent option if you can't afford to build a machine or travel a lot. 

  5. I don't have a full multi-purpose monitor setup as yet but I have seen where the setup is particularly useful such as using one screen for normal tasks while the other is being used for gaming. I have seen a setup where all 3 screens were used for playing the game. It broadened the player's point of view in-game. If I'm not mistaken it was called Infinity display or something like that - I'd have to check.

  6. On 12/18/2018 at 3:28 PM, UleTheVee said:

    That challenge has died quite recently with the fact that Sony has been found to be censoring games from Japanese developers, even more so than Steam and the freaking Nintendo Switch XD

    Wow. PC is the best - consoles are for the rest. Consoles are the ones that have taken a beating since the rise of PC gaming in the late 2000s.

  7. 5 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    Your quite skilled in the game, how many kills are on your account in total? I was too playing a game of 50 VS 50, I achieved 4 kills and I achieved the top 10 before I died in 8th place by a cheater. I'm not the best player in Battle Royale and some of you would probably laugh, but I'm good with the scope. 

    I do pretty okay at it. Trust me, I wouldn't laugh because I am capable of equally brilliant and laughable moments in Fortnite. I'd have to check my kill count but I am pretty sure it's decent lol.

    1 hour ago, DarthHazard said:

    I honestly don't know. But I did once get around 12 kills in a squad game that I ended up winning. It was funny because it was with random players and I honestly didn't think I would get far in that particular game because the other 3 died early and it was just me for the rest of the game. But I pulled it off and was extremely happy. It helped that I managed to get a Scar during the middle of the game so that definitely helped me end game. 

    You can find my overall stats here - https://fortnitestats.org/player/darthhazard

    That sounds awesome man and you seem to be a decent player. As I was telling Infected, that was a moment of brilliance - I don't know how I managed it but I made it happen - well we because my team did help too lol.

  8. 16 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    Ah, so yer' a PC master race like me. Good to know

    Yeah lol. Consoles just lack what I need - which is pretty much everything. The customizability, the versatility and the graphical capability is why I am a PC master race member.

  9. On 7/18/2018 at 2:31 AM, fantanoice said:

    Does anyone keep up with competitive Smash? I find Melee to be incredibly entertaining because it's been around so long that everything is so well optimised. Smash 4 is decent as well but with Ultimate coming out, I can't see it sticking around long.

    My favourite players are Spud (up-and-coming player from Aus/NZ), Leffen and Armada.

    So, what are your thoughts on competitive Smash? Do you enjoy watching it as well?

    I have played in extremely small tournaments back in the day and won $500 dollars but I do not keep up with Competitive Smash. I am getting a Switch though so maybe I'll join one of these tournaments in the future.

  10. Just now, UleTheVee said:

    It's... Still something you should know if you own a PS4 and Xbox One. Right now the Switch has been killing it with their censorship policies (Or lack of them)

    That's good to hear. I do own an Xbox one but I don't even have it - my little cousin does because most of my gaming is on PC.

  11. On 12/17/2018 at 1:08 PM, DarthHazard said:

    I'm sure those games are doing a lot but Fortnite isn't far behind. This $8,000,000 is just one small part. They have several other tournaments and Epic Games did promise that there would be $100 million set aside for tournaments in just 2018-2019 alone. That's pretty impressive for a game that was only released a year ago and for a developer that was relatively unknown until then.

    I agree. Fortnite has grown A LOT since last year and it also looks like a completely different game than last year.

  12. 17 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    You are aware there are plenty of games that are literally on the switch and have better censor policies than Sony themselves right? Switch has been a good adult console for quite a while

    I don't own one and to be honest, outside of Smash Brothers Ultimate and Mario Go-Kart, Mario and Pokemon Games, I don't care that much about the Nintendo Consoles.

  13. 19 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    Not because of the popularity of the game.


    Because of the backlash.

    What do think brought about the backlash in the first place? The popularity of Fortnite. Let me ask you a question? Do you honestly think Sony would care if Fortnite wasn't an extremely popular game? Would they even consider it? 

  14. Just now, DarthHazard said:

    The gameplay time is great and I definitely agree that it's one of the main things that contribute to it being so popular. With other games, like PUBG, you have to spend quite a lot of time and you can't really start a game if you know that you're going to be leaving soon. With Fortnite, you know that the game is not going to last too long and it helps that they even have special limited time modes that can finish even quicker (like the Blitz game mode)

    With Fortnite, you don't have to spend a lot to really enjoy or get good at playing the game. PUBG on the other hand...They charge you for almost everything.

  15. 4 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    If you showed some of the recent gameplay to a player back then, they might think you're showing gameplay from a different game. It's crazy to think how far they have come and how different the game is right now. I would not have ever thought of things like the quads or even the planes being added to the game. But it was done and they actually work well and don't ruin the game at all. I'm definitely looking forward to the newer additions they bring out 

    Totally agree. And one of the main things I like about Fortnite is that you can just hop in and play a match. You don't have to commit massive amounts of time to enjoy it if you don't have the time to. The other thing about Fortnite is that it doesn't take itself too seriously.

  16. 45 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    I play it now and then but not on any regular basis.


    Same Here. It's a strangely relaxing game and I can't figure out why lol.  Never knew eating everything in sight was so therapeutic.

  17. 13 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    Is it me or we dont get that many movie or TV licensed games released lately ? (Excluding comic games like Spiderman or the Arkaham series)
    I used to play this type of games as a kid on my PS2 since they where the cheapest option, for example Sponge Bob , Shrek , Over the hedge , Monster house etc.

    Whats your opinion on the topic ? Have you ever enjoyed any Movie licensed game ?

    Alien Isolation, Spiderman, Van Helsing, Transformers and the Arkham series are the movie-licensed games I have enjoyed. And then there are the 007 games for the N64 as well as other consoles. Speaking of - why hasn't there ever been an Austin Powers game? 😂

  18. Red Dead Redemption 2 for Pc is the last game I have played/currently playing. I think I have racked up 150 hours already on Red Dead Redemption and when the final release of the online mode, I'll rack up even more hours.

  19. 1 hour ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    Modding is safe aslong as you backup your data before hand. In extreme cases, the worst that a installed modification can do is corrupt your game files. I personally stay away from modding. However, I have knowledge about modifications and how to install them if anyone would like any help.

    SkyUI would have to be the best. Researching online, it's definitely has to be one of my favourite. Be careful where you download any game mod from as it could contain a computer virus which could infect your PC:




    Yes. SkyUi is a definite must-have mod and pre-requisite for most other mods to function properly.

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