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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 13 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    Is it me or we dont get that many movie or TV licensed games released lately ? (Excluding comic games like Spiderman or the Arkaham series)
    I used to play this type of games as a kid on my PS2 since they where the cheapest option, for example Sponge Bob , Shrek , Over the hedge , Monster house etc.

    Whats your opinion on the topic ? Have you ever enjoyed any Movie licensed game ?

    Alien Isolation, Spiderman, Van Helsing, Transformers and the Arkham series are the movie-licensed games I have enjoyed. And then there are the 007 games for the N64 as well as other consoles. Speaking of - why hasn't there ever been an Austin Powers game? 😂

  2. Red Dead Redemption 2 for Pc is the last game I have played/currently playing. I think I have racked up 150 hours already on Red Dead Redemption and when the final release of the online mode, I'll rack up even more hours.

  3. 1 hour ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    Modding is safe aslong as you backup your data before hand. In extreme cases, the worst that a installed modification can do is corrupt your game files. I personally stay away from modding. However, I have knowledge about modifications and how to install them if anyone would like any help.

    SkyUI would have to be the best. Researching online, it's definitely has to be one of my favourite. Be careful where you download any game mod from as it could contain a computer virus which could infect your PC:




    Yes. SkyUi is a definite must-have mod and pre-requisite for most other mods to function properly.

  4. On 12/11/2018 at 8:20 PM, DC said:

    I was surprised by how long this took.

    I was about to say the same thing. It took 5 years to do it - maybe due to the rise of PC gaming the amount of console players or people interested in buying a console has declined leading to slower sales.

  5. On 12/13/2018 at 8:23 AM, DarthHazard said:

    It's crazy how young Fortnite Battle Royale is yet Epic managed to get the gaming companies to allow cross-platform. PlayStation was being extremely reluctant to even talk about it before but these guys got them to do it for their game! Fortnite will be a great game for a long while, the constant updates, developers listening to the users and the fact that it is a free game will help it be popular for a long while. 

    The content on Fortnite is unbelievable. Planes?! Epic Games has made Fortnite into a colossus. I agree about the content updates - the developers are constantly coming up with new and creative ways to enhance the Fortnite experience. Fortnite will be around for another year at least. As for the popularity, It may dip a bit.

  6. 35 minutes ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    YouTube is the #1 platform for content creators and some of the most famous YouTubers live inside the EU such as PewDiePie. If Article 13 is implemented, creators will be forced to go to an smaller platform such as Twitch TV or Daily Motion. I think the Government doesn't want us to communicate with people within Europe by restricting internet access. People will find other ways, it provides no benefit to the Prime Minister whatsoever. 

    Exactly what I'm saying. They derive no benefit whatsoever.

  7. In a game of 50 vs 50, I got 16 kills in a round, helping our team to overcome an almost certain defeat. At one point, It was 20 vs 5 of us and I had just 6 kills. But then I turned into Rambo and killed 10 of them during my rampage and at the end of it, only another teammate and I survived. What are the most kills you have ever gotten in a Fortnite game mode?

  8. I have Sims 3 and the expansion University life on my PC as well but I don't think I have played it more than 5 times since I got it almost 4 years back. It's a pretty cool game but it is too time-consuming and I already have a life where I need to achieve things.

  9. Processor: Intel I7-7700

    RAM: Hyper X 16GB ddr4 2400mhz

    GPU: GTX 1080 TI

    Storage: 1 Tb Samsung 850 EVO and 2 TB Seagate Barracuda

    Case: Corsair Carbide Mid-Tower ATX

    When the next generation of AMD processors and graphics cards are released this year, I will go AMD.


  10. I do animation as well as video editing on my gaming laptop. 3-D computer art does tend to use up a lot of RAM so anything above 8GB should be sufficient and also ensure you get one with a pretty powerful processor as well.

  11. 4 hours ago, DylanC said:

    I’m hoping it’s a nice mix between AvP and Isolation. A few traditional combat sequences would be welcome, as well as some edge of your seat horror and tension!

    That would be awesome! Alien Isolation had me on the edge of my seat when I was playing it. I can't think of many games that have managed to do that to me in recent times.

  12. 2 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    I doubt that was the case for a number of factors. A lot of people have speculated that Sony wasn't really planning on adding Cross Play until the next console.

    If they weren't planning on adding Cross Play until the next generation as you say, then why did they cave-in to Fortnite? The popularity and appeal of Fortnite why they gave in. They are pretty aware that a good portion of Sony's fanbase and their friends play Fortnite. By not allowing cross-play, some Sony console owners would have opted to sell their consoles to buy other consoles that support cross-play. That also goes for people thinking of buying a Playstation - they'd instead grab another console that supports cross-play. It would have and probably was already costing them losses in revenue so they decided to allow cross-play for Fortnite.

  13. 4 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Aye, the first one was prettyunderrated imho. Would be nice to play on Switch perhaps.

    I agree. It is quite under appreciated - I doubt Nintendo would add such a game to their platform though. They tend to prefer kid-friendly games like Super Smash Brothers and Mario Go-Kart.

  14. 2 hours ago, UleTheVee said:


    It's because in fighting games. Doing a lot of things you could've done better in hindsight stings like all hell. The major problem is the fact that people just can't seem to channel it properly and explode. The last thing people want is to work for their entertainment and well. We can see the effects firsthand in a lot of occasions.


    I understand wanting to win but at the end of the day, it's just a game.

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