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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I find the decision even more bizarre seeing as according to credible sources, the next Gen Xbox console will be announced this year. Also on top of that, an Xbox One without a disc drive is just an extremely underpowered gaming PC.
  2. Oh okay, I know a guy who dealt with his panic attacks by visualization - the Samurai version of it at least. It involves facing your fears and just see it for what it is and move on.
  3. Most times, User Reviews tend to be mostly accurate because it isn't influenced by a bias towards certain companies because they are on their Payroll. Critic Reviews are the ones that I don't tend to trust because of their bias towards individual companies.
  4. Arsenal fan - I been one since I was a kid. I want Cardiff to stay up in the premier league - I want Brighton to get relegated because their style of football is so dull and defensive.
  5. On top of that, the devs keep ghosting their Reddit community when they are being asked legitimate questions about the game. I find that kind of behavior to be really disgusting.
  6. 12/10 - has to be the best Dragonball Movie ever. The action, the scenes, the story is also pretty solid. I've watched it at least 50 times now and still love it.
  7. I've never really heard of this Itch store before. Are they any good? and what are the prices like compared to the other stores like Steam etc?
  8. I don't know of anyone who plays a horror game to be not that scared - Most people play it to be scared out of their wits and the atmospheric sounds help with that. For instance, in Alien Isolation your character in-game starts to hyperventilate when an Alien is nearby and you can literally feel that fear.
  9. My Acer does pretty well and hardly overheats even without the cooling pad. I used to have a Toshiba back in the days that was like a substitute heater - I literally had to open windows and crank up the AC just to use that thing😄
  10. Any English Premier League fans here and what is your favorite team? How long have you been supporting them?
  11. It's a great single-player experience and from what I know, GTA online is far more active on the consoles in addition to having way fewer hackers.
  12. They definitely dumbed down the Storyline quality to appeal to younger audiences and that goes for the broader audience because most of them do not care about a well-written story. It's all about the action.
  13. I agree. It's not like the AI is showing adaptive capabilities to deal with a situation which it wasn't programmed in any way to solve. None of these AI tests really convince me at all.
  14. @The Blackangel There are creatures we have yet to discover so who knows what is really out there. @xXInfectedXx Dragons are the reason I like some animes as well - especially when it roars and the entire environment seems to start trembling in fear.
  15. Anybody here used to watch "Tales From The Crypt" on HBO back in the '90s? It had some pretty horrifying episodes but some of the deaths were surprisingly funny as well.
  16. I understand when looking for games for emulators because they are pretty hard to find.
  17. A lot of times, I find that the wiring among other things in pre-built PCs to be poorly done and the sad part is you can't really adjust it yourself or else your warranty will be voided.
  18. It's a somewhat decent game now(at least that's what my friend tries to convince me of). It isn't managed by Bethesda so it won't become Fallout 76 bad and they do have regular updates and new content for the game but I just don't care about it for some reason. Normally, anything with Elder Scrolls on it would have my attention but I never did find the game that interesting (even when I played the first time around).
  19. No. I have never had an experience like that and wish I could have one but the devs in most of the games I play seem to only care about the profits - not the actual customer satisfaction.
  20. If I recall, it had quite a few classes and you had to do tasks to level up said classes. I can't quite remember what the story was like to be honest but I do remember playing the game(vaguely).
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