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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I was going to say Dark Souls but then I remembered that my Modded Skyrim game is so ridiculous with the bandits at Bleakfalls barrow having 1k health minimum and the Draugr are even stronger. I quite literally have to train up my character before I try Bleakfalls and don't even get me started on Dragons. In my game, their strength matches the dragons of the Elder Scrolls Lore.
  2. I enchanted a fork in Skyrim with soul capture and paralysis in one of my older save files from long ago. I named it "DoomFork" with a naming mod. It was a very devastating weapon as it took out all the Whiterun guards and civilians 😂
  3. At the rate Bethesda is going, I'd encourage you to not get your hopes up. They are ruining both Fallout and the Elder Scrolls series with microtransactions and unfinished games with dated graphics. They are even worse than EA now when it comes to quality - At least EA's games come with beautiful graphics. Bethesda keeps using the same graphical textures from Fallout 4 and Skyrim and those are some old games.
  4. In Skyrim, the dragons flying underground is hilarious and not mention when your character falls through the freaking map. @Alyxx Is it Halloween already? XD
  5. But they have all had great stories, characters, and plots. I can understand hating GTA online because I have grown to despise the many DLCs with hover bikes and all manner of Alien technology. I'm surprised they haven't launched one of the floating airships like the shield from Marvel possesses in a DLC pack since they have flying cars and all that crap.
  6. Anything not on an Epic Games exclusive, not made by EA, Bethesda, Activision except maybe Sekiro (because they have no way of inputting microtransactions into the game.).
  7. Deus Ex Human Revolution.
  8. God's Garb and Ring of Varda are two must-haves for me as well. A bit off topic but I noticed that most of the Castlevania games that came after nerfed Alucard because I distinctly remember them saying Alucard is almost as strong as Dracula without the weaknesses a full vampire has. Dracula thought Alucard would make the ultimate companion in battle so I find it odd that in subsequent games, Alucard can barely match Dracula.
  9. @The Blackangel Xbox one has a customizable Xbox one controller for $149 and all it does is give you the ability to swap out a smaller joystick/D-pad/buttons for larger ones -_-. Then a guy online had the nerve to say it was worth the costs...This is why I tend to stick to the smaller tech Youtubers because at least most of them are more honest and unbiased in their reviews of such items and calling them out for what they really are.
  10. I understand now🤣 My friend destroyed an iPod Touch back in the day because of Flappy Bird.
  11. Starfox 64 - Its air combat was amazing at the time and the targeting system worked really well. Compared to many other N64 games, it doesn't get half the recognition of the Mario or Super Smash Brothers games.
  12. My followers tend to be used as guinea pigs in Skyrim so I do tend to lose them at times🤣. For Instance, there are a couple of Dragons raising hell in Whiterun Plains - my game is, of course, modded so Dragons in my version of Skyrim are ridiculously hard to kill. I tend to bait the Dragon with an attack and while my Follower is out there fighting the Dragon I make a run for it especially in the early game.
  13. What game was that? Did it enrage you that much you can't tell us the name?
  14. If I'm not mistaken, they are the only digital gaming company that allows you own a copy of your video game purchase - forever.
  15. But-But you won't be terrified otherwise...What is a horror game without atmospheric music? Not that terrifying...🤣
  16. Gaming helped me develop faster hand-eye coordination as well as speeding up my train of thought especially FPS games.
  17. I think he did mention PS3 as well but PS2 and PS1compatibility is really pushing it. Most backwards compatibility consoles generally support the previous one or two generations.
  18. Minecraft sucks! *ducks for cover* I'm just kidding although I'm not really a huge fan of the game either.
  19. Personally, I want it to crash and burn and the Nintendo Switch is already drawing some players away from the traditional console already.
  20. The Guards in Skyrim are the ones I always use for different experiments like launching them off of the top of mountains and anything crazy I can think up.
  21. To be honest, Special Edition consoles/controllers are all about nostalgia - they usually don't provide any real benefit over the original hardware. It's definitely not worth the money.
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