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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Saves you a lot more money and time especially when you do the math about how much you'd have to spend to keep buying batteries.
  2. That meme is awfully accurate though🤣 Try doing it for a laptop keyboard - I swear it's like the Sahara desert comes out of it.
  3. Never really tried that to be honest. You can always look it up on Google or Youtube.
  4. Facebook has had so much negative press in the last 2-3 years, we shouldn't be surprised nobody wants to use it anymore.
  5. This didn't even need to be mentioned because that is the first thing anyone associates Facebook with - Gathering information and data breaches.
  6. Nowadays, I wait until a game launches before I make any decision on purchasing it. If it is one the Epic Games Store, that game is automatically blacklisted from my buy list.
  7. Fortnite and Apex Legends the only extremely successful game in that category I can remember. The rest have been trying to replicate that success and they fail miserably at it.
  8. killamch89

    Age of Mythology

    Funny enough, I am playing AOE right now lol.
  9. killamch89

    Age of Mythology

    To be honest, compared to how often I play AOE, I don't play that much AOM anymore so I can't quite remember XD. They are both practically the same game with one or two tweaked features so it's down to opinion.
  10. From a graphical standpoint, I see where you are going with this but it doesn't bother me that much as long as the game functions very smoothly.
  11. killamch89

    Age of Mythology

    You do have a valid point there but I just love building a huge colony with millions of troops ready to annihilate another colony at a moment's notice.
  12. Fair enough - Not everyone loves modded Skyrim but I still can't get enough.
  13. This is why I am not touching another Bethesda game - they seem to be trying to best EA in being the greediest gaming company ever.
  14. My point exactly! I always wanted to be a pirate...RRR ye scallywags! 🤣
  15. Not only that - I tend to forget about buying batteries all the time. It's not really that essential that I can't live or function without so I tend to forget about it and then I pick up my controller and go like...I knew I forgot something!
  16. To play older generation console games on my PC and yes, they are okay to use. I have no use for older consoles and their limited hardware.
  17. So you are going to tell me that Skyrim would be as popular as it is now without the modding community? The same modding community they treat like criminals are the ones responsible for the success of their games. If you remove the patches made by the modders, you'd have to use cheats to get past certain bugs to finish the game.
  18. I'm definitely not one to camp around and staying in one spot in battle-royale games is suicide.
  19. killamch89

    Age of Mythology

    I'll have to disagree with you there. I preferred AOE's campaigns to AOM.
  20. I grew up playing Armored Core, Mechassault and Zone of the Enders mech games and I was a huge fan of all three. However, there is a serious lack of Mech games on the market and I am looking for some good ones to play. What Mech Games are you looking forward to and can you recommend any great Mecha games available right now.
  21. I didn't have a job either but now I kind of feel stupid for even buying that crappy game in the first place. My hard-earned 20 dollars was wasted on that poor excuse of a game...
  22. Well, I did buy it out of my own money so I could do as I please with it. 😛
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