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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. You might as well ask me to calculate the size of the universe using Math at this point, lol. But if I had to choose one song, It's this:
  2. Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit - 9/10
  3. Was playing some Rocket League today and had some really close games that we managed to clutch it right at the end!
  4. We’ve all seen those moments in films that just don’t add up, right? Whether it’s characters making baffling decisions, unrealistic technology, or physical phenomena defying the laws of nature, it feels like movies often take liberties for the sake of storytelling. What’s one particular aspect that consistently frustrates you or pulls you out of the experience?
  5. Imagine you had the power to change the climax of any popular movie. Which film would you choose, and how would you alter that pivotal moment? Would you give the hero a different fate, change a major twist, or rewrite the ending entirely?
  6. Imagine you have the power to invent a brand-new TV genre. What would it be called, and what type of shows would you produce? Would it blend elements of existing genres, like a sci-fi cooking show or a historical fantasy mystery?
  7. We all have that one TV show that's so absurd, you can't help but binge-watch it. Whether it’s a reality show, a comedy with wild plot twists, or a drama that defies logic, I want to hear about your experiences. What’s the most ridiculous show you've ever watched? Did you find it entertaining despite its craziness, or was it so bad it was good?
  8. Imagine combining two seemingly unrelated TV shows into one epic series. What would it look like? For example, picture The Office meets Stranger Things - a quirky workplace comedy where employees must navigate supernatural events in their small town. How would the characters interact, and what unique plotlines could emerge? Share your wildest combinations and ideas.
  9. Neuroscientists suggest leaving at least two hours between playing video games and going to sleep. This is said to help your brain wind down and transition more smoothly into rest. Do you think this guideline is necessary, and have you tried following it? What effects, if any, have you noticed on your sleep or overall well-being when gaming right before bed?
  10. We’ve all had those gaming sessions that go completely off the rails! What’s the most chaotic or hilarious time you’ve had gaming with friends, and what made it so memorable?
  11. We all have that one game that’s objectively terrible but we can’t help but love playing it. Maybe it’s the janky controls, ridiculous dialogue, or cheesy graphics, but for some reason, it just clicks. What’s that one game for you?
  12. What’s the oldest game in your collection that you still play regularly? Whether it’s something from the NES era or a classic PC game, I’d love to know what keeps you coming back. Is it nostalgia, the gameplay, or something else entirely?
  13. Have you ever been so absorbed in a game that you lost track of time and forgot to eat or sleep? Maybe you were chasing a high score, completing an epic quest, or couldn't stop until you reached the next level. Share your craziest, longest gaming session story and how it ended. Did you make it through unscathed or regret it the next day?
  14. Clint definitely is a lucky guy. I don't think I've heard of another person surviving after having their Jugular slashed/severed.
  15. It's not a must-have for me. My current partner doesn't game all that much except when we play things like Mario Kart or some other fun multiplayer game. She's far more of a casual gamer as opposed to me who's more dedicated to it.
  16. I often budget for gaming and that does not include microtransactions because I'm definitely not wasting my money on that.
  17. I can definitely see where Alanah Pearce is coming from. There's definitely a rise in content focused on bad games, and I think it's a reflection of how the gaming industry is adapting to the current social media landscape. But I’m not sure if these games are made intentionally bad - maybe more so rushed to market without enough polish because publishers know they can still profit off the controversy and meme culture. It's a bit like the "so bad it's good" effect we see in other entertainment industries.
  18. I think you're right - there's definitely potential for more physical releases through Limited Run Games and similar companies. As digital continues to dominate, those special edition physical releases could be the draw for collectors. I think there will always be a market for people who want that tangible experience, even if it’s more niche. Limited Run’s approach is interesting because they’re almost catering to the preservation of gaming history
  19. That’s such an interesting question! I definitely felt the same rush of excitement when I was younger, whether it was about staying up late to beat a boss or discussing games with friends at school. But as I’ve grown older, I think the excitement has changed. It’s not gone, but maybe more selective or tied to specific experiences like the story of a game I’m really into or a shared multiplayer session with close friends. The magic is still there, just in a different form.
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