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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Honestly. No I haven't and I should at least give it a look because this sounds like a Mobile game I'd play in years gone by. Plundering people's bases for resources and just being an overall menace.
  2. Actually we did discuss this in other threads, we just didn't have a dedicated thread for it and yes, I did like it. I believe that it's what helped Cyberpunk 2077 resurrect itself as a game.
  3. Godzilla minus one - It's actually pretty good for the most part. At least in my opinion.
  4. Tom and Jerry are some of my favorites as a child as well. The episodes I love is when Bruno the dog is also involved.
  5. Was trying out Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash and honestly, this game is so disappointing!
  6. Hands down the best song I've heard in a videogame. It's even better than most modern Rock N Roll songs.
  7. Not really if I'm being honest. I've heard some BTS and I think they're alright for the most part. As a matter of fact, BTS is the only KPOP group I do listen to at least occasionally.
  8. Nope! As a matter of fact, I hate most Christmas songs outside of maybe Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas".
  9. This is really interesting. I have never heard of this Atari system just like @The Blackangel. When did this come out?
  10. Honestly, I've been thinking about moving away from Windows because the operating system is becoming more intrusive and resource-intensive. What made you settle on Mint as your choice? Have you ever tried Qubes OS? It's been recommended to me by some Linux users I know.
  11. That's a tough one to answer as computer parts and individual needs continually evolve and change so this is a tough one. However, I do prioritize lots of RAM and Storage so that my machines usually remain somewhat futureproof and I won't have to be upgrading my setup continuously.
  12. The M series of Macs are pretty powerful machines that can run most games with relative ease unlike earlier generations. We really have to give Apple some credit for finally making their machines at least powerful enough to run modern titles. I never thought that day would really come if I'm being completely honest.
  13. I mean, it's normal to be at least a bit wary. Just be careful with what kind of supplies and take your time, concentrate on what you're doing and you should be fine.
  14. I'm definitely getting this. I play Xenoverse 2 all the time and I played all the Tenkaichi Budokai and Raging Blast games as well. The graphics is so amazing and there's over 164 characters to choose from.
  15. I'm extremely worried and I've expressed this concern many times. Konami is just ruining their legacy IPs at this point. I mean, look at Metal Gear Survive. I need not say more...
  16. I've bought it and am currently playing it. My favorite character so far is Lili because her fighting style is so unorthodox that blocking most of her moves is really challenging.
  17. It happens to the best of us...Usually when I'm trying some ridiculous trick in pool, I end up sinking the 8-ball. Like, how unlucky can one be?
  18. This isn't a sport. This is just plain stupidity and I've seen even more absurd ones they're trying to call a "sport"
  19. What is this? John Wick in Hell? In all seriousness, I did buy and play this game back in 2017 but I haven't touched it recently. From what I remember, it was an average experience - at least to me it was. There's nothing really noteworthy about it.
  20. I haven't played it since the mid 2000s and that was when I was still in high school. I wasn't even aware it was still around and it does get a bit repetitive after a while. That being said, it was a good game to pass the time.
  21. It's when I got the first gen PlayStation as a gift and I got some cool demos with it at the time. One of them had Twisted Metal on it and that's what got me to buy the full game and also become a fan of the series.
  22. I use my IPad for mobile gaming and It's definitely more than adequate. In addition to that, you can use it for emulation because it's so powerful! and you can simply connect one of your Xbox controllers via bluetooth and play some games. In my opinion, it's not a bad gaming device at all.
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