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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Acer have offerings like the Nitro 5 and 7 which are dedicated gaming laptops which start at the $900 dollar mark.
  2. Well, they have to appease their viewers so they'll definitely pay for the subscription but it also depends on the individual Youtuber's taste as well.
  3. As my first comment said, it is a great video for the most part but you just need to try showing the action from different angles to give it more of a dramatic effect.
  4. Daredevil the Movie - 9/10
  5. Deus Ex Human Revolution
  6. Sometimes, I feel as if some of the senior personnel at Microsoft are under influence of some kind of Narcotics because of some of the ridiculous decisions they make.
  7. I'd have probably suggested the kickstarter route 6 months ago but now that so many gaming projects are involved in some pretty messy scandals because of being crowdfunded, they'll probably have to find other avenues such as sponsorship.
  8. It's not really that when it comes to EA, it's actually their overtly aggressive monetization systems implemented in their games that most of us players hate. Not to mention, their games usually start at a $60 price point so they are already expensive as hell.
  9. I'm not quite following you - what are you talking about?
  10. In the future when VR is more developed, maybe they can hold some E-sports events with VR headsets being used.
  11. Dawn Of Zombies is also an interesting Android game that I came across the other day
  12. Or maybe Sonic Go-Kart Racing with Ugandan knuckles and shadow! 🤣
  13. Destroy all human's abduction and probing humans mechanic is really unique and gives you hours of laughter and entertainment.
  14. We want to see more quality games like DMC5 without the overtly aggressive monetization schemes.
  15. Actually, Alien Isolation is a survival game because you are on ship full of Aliens trying to survive - it even is listed under the genre Survival.
  16. Do you still play the game? How many hours do you play it for and how many hours total have you played it for?
  17. It's what made me lose interest in games like the Sims after a while because if I want to live a great life, I need to focus on bringing it into reality rather than achieving it in a videogame.
  18. Did you fire back at the tryhard though? 🤣
  19. +1 and also Cyberpunk 2077 because there were rumors it'd be an Epic exclusive but thank the heavens they never went down this route. If anything, the E3 presentation and developer's interview has made it appeal to me way more.
  20. Alien Isolation was also a game I hadn't planned on getting because of the lackluster Alien games up to this point but this game turned out to be an absolute treat. The nerve-wracking atmosphere of having to navigate your way through a ship of Aliens who get progressively smarter so you have to be finding new ways to outsmart them among other things.
  21. Alien Isolation also started off pretty slowly for like the first 30 minutes but then the action picks right up after that and it is one hell of a ride.
  22. I think he's saying that more and more games are pandering to SJW's and he's glad that they have stayed away from that which I hope they don't go down that path. That being said, he is veering slightly off topic though.
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