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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I tried it for a day and honestly, it feels like I'd have had a more productive day watching paint dry. You know what bother me about some gaming Youtubers? They hype up any game even if it's crap just because it has a lot of media attention.
  2. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if this was possible. They've put DOOM on pregnancy test kits a few years back so this isn't that surprising to me. I don't believe they will stop until Doom can be played on thin air.
  3. Of course I do! I used to play them on the demo CDs I got and I used to have Backyard Football and basketball. Those were the days...Now gaming is just littered with recycled crap like what 2K puts out EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
  4. More games for me not to play then. I DESPISE Live-service games and wish they would all just burn. This is one of the most cancerous genres in gaming outside of the cesspool that is mobile gaming.
  5. Well, it's always on my PC so I'm good I guess but so many people won't get to experience such an awesome game. A true masterpiece in my opinion.
  6. Personally, my favorite is Lili and it's because her fighting style is so unique and fluid, it tends to catch a lot of people off-guard because your opponents aren't sure if they should block normally, low or high for her moves. I've been doing pretty well with her in ranked matches. What's your favorite Tekken 8 character and why?
  7. If all you're doing is just walking in a videogame, I don't really the see point of playing it. You'll likely lose interest pretty easily because it's so repetitive.
  8. This suicide squad game is the biggest piece of trash I've seen all year. Even by superhero game standards, this actually makes Marvel's Avengers look like a decent game. The storyline is absolute trash and the gameplay mechanics are frustrating to say the least.
  9. To be honest, I was playing some Palworld earlier. Now, I do love Pokemon as a series but there are quite a number of things I wish Pokemon could implement into their own game to make it more fun. I feel like the different Pals actually serve a purpose in and out of battle.
  10. Your pet would probably get you something too. Maybe a chew toy for the both of you to play with or something like that or a bed big enough for the both of you.
  11. Hmmm. This is a tough one because I'm not sure where to start. You know what? I'll go with flying a helicopter because I probably could be part of a rescue team or something like that.
  12. If you have some Red Velvet, send it my way. I'm not really picky when it comes to cakes. I like almost every kind of cake. Speaking of, I have baked any Sponge cake in months. I love all kinds of cake. I don't think I've encountered a kind of cake that I wouldn't eat. What's your favorite kind of cake?
  13. Great minds think alike. Being able to turn anything into a delicious treat is a win in my book because you'll always have some source of food. You know it!
  14. I'd probably get manifesting any food I think about. That way, I'll never be hungry again. Instant meals all the time and I'll never have to cook - absolutely genius!
  15. I once wanted to try it too. The closest thing I've done to it is bungee jumping and trust me, it was so nerve-wracking.
  16. I quite agree. It's not my thing either. Right now, if I see so much as a roach inside my house, I might think about burning the whole place down.
  17. We'd basically become like our ancestors. Using carrier pigeons to deliver message and all that kind of stuff. As a matter of fact, we'd probably be a lot more like the Amish people in the US.
  18. I agree and in my college days, I used to live on Ramen. I still love the occasional Ramen but pasta is an amazing food. Hell, I've cut back on the amount of rice I'm eating and started adding more Pasta in my diet.
  19. I don't know if it's an age thing but I don't even care that much about my own birthday anymore. Valentine's day doesn't hold that much significance to me or my partner because we always show love and affection for each other.
  20. Honestly, it's a pretty awesome game if I do say so myself. Yes, there are some glaring rip-offs of Pokemon but at the same time, it does feel unique enough to not be another Pokemon clone. I'm having a blast playing it.
  21. Orange juice for me. It's been my morning drink since I was a kid and that's not going to change anytime soon. That said, I've never really tried black currant juice either nor have I ever seen it sold anywhere.
  22. I'm not sure. There's usually a bunch of factors that go into me naming my pets including how they behave. For instance, one of my dogs was named courage because he was expressive as courage the cowardly dog on Cartoon Network. When something was wrong, he'd start pointing, whining and sometimes, grumbling under his breath lol.
  23. It's been a while since I've been on but I wanted to catch up with everyone. How's everyone been? I've been dealing with the sudden loss of my dog a few weeks back. I still miss her but life goes on.
  24. I'd rather go unarmed than trying to use a bow especially when fighting multiple enemies. A bow is worthless unless you're extremely skilled.
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