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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. No Food...I am just waiting for the Christmas dinner to be over so I can take my month's supply of food home lol
  2. No, it was actually Solid but Liquid thought he got the inferior genes because Solid constantly bested him. He later finds out the truth...
  3. Right now I'm over at my Mom's house eating some fruitcake. I also snuck out a piece of chicken before the dinner is even served. I am pretty sure she'll notice 🤣
  4. Yeah, there will always be upgrades - I mean...nothing lasts forever so that is a given...
  5. It's an awesome game but just poorly optimized - especially at higher settings. I can't remember having a game that pushes my 1080 TI like that...and that is why I don't play it that often.
  6. So true lol - Especially when a Xenomorph is in the room with you and you're hiding under a table or in a locker - you're like "just go away!" and you're hyperventilating...By far the scariest game I ever played 😭
  7. Back in the days, I and my friends owned monster hunter and we would team up for Monster Hunts - it was epic! It was an awesome handheld device but the lack of support for it is what led to me selling mine.
  8. I am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and hope you stuff your face with lots of food because I know I will lol. What food item you look forward to the most on Christmas day?
  9. From I was a kid up until the age of 17, I would sometimes play games for 12 hours a day especially on weekends. Nowadays, I can only manage 1-2 hours maybe 3 every now and then because of my schedule.
  10. I agree but Solid Snake is also an inspirational character. He was deemed the weakest of Big Boss' clones because he got his recessive genes yet he proved to be the most dominant and superior of them all proving that genes doesn't make the man - it's his will.
  11. Same Here - I must have built a whole civilization of characters and I still keep going lol.
  12. Deus Ex Human Revolution is also a video game with a lot of replay value and I tend to see stuff that I missed in my first run.
  13. At least 12 cups of filtered water a day. I love drinking water because it helps to boost my energy levels as well as cleanse my system.
  14. Merry Christmas to you as well mate. I plan to sleep in on Christmas before proceeding to stuff my face for the next few days and after the New Year start working out again to get all that food out of my system!
  15. I am near 300 as well lol.
  16. Bluetooth Headphones with music from my cell phone/Ipad or from my laptop/desktop.
  17. Bleak Falls Barrow - maybe it's because I have passed through that area so MANY times but I absolutely hate it.
  18. My desktop that has a 7th generation I7 processor and a GTX 1080 TI drops to 35 - 40 frames per second in some locations of the game. That's the major flaw the Witcher 3 has...You need a pretty powerful machine to run it on ultra.
  19. Did someone say The Division?...Oh my bad...though we were talking about overhyped games that completely sucked.
  20. Funny enough this is the only game on my to-get list that I still haven't gotten and I can't tell you why lol. Far Cry is a solid title though and I normally buy it annually - Not sure what happened this year... God Of War is always great (curse me not having a console lol). Back in my console days, I used to binge play God Of War - especially on weekends.
  21. I am a Freelance Animator/Video Editor and I work every day except when I don't feel like it lol.
  22. It's a pretty intensive game even for my desktop but I do like the graphics. It's also open-world which is always nice and the game can be modded just like Skyrim so most Skyrim lovers will love it.
  23. Green Man Gaming is super legit. I have bought keys from them before and you don't really have anything to worry about. The only thing I can say about this deal is that I am not familiar with most of these games so the deal doesn't really appeal to me that much and the fact that the deal still goes on tells me it isn't to other people as well.
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