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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. No, I haven't forgotten about that...going to carry a couple chicks and make an underground civilization lol
  2. The only applicable way where they might be useful is on keyboards when you are playing in the dark. Otherwise, I see no purpose for them either.
  3. lol ok, I'll think up something. My favorite Genre of video games right now is open world games like GTA V or Red Dead Redemption. I really despise linear games because I love to explore and go where I want to.
  4. L.A. Noire is like the 30's law and order series but with more realism.
  5. I see your point now. I'm not sure Epic Games can offer a better deal than that - How do you even compete with that? lol
  6. I agree. Skepticism is a healthy practice because you are just keeping yourself from being used and abused by anyone.
  7. lol Your comment is spot and even though Microsoft and Nintendo will say the console wars is foolishness, they are only saying that now because Sony was dominating them. I remember some 10 years ago Sony brought forward the same proposal to Microsoft and Microsoft point-blank refused so I can see why Sony would be hesitant to co-operate.
  8. You right. it's just that I don't have that much time to game anymore. I love your list as well. The original Fallout developers are coming out with a new game in 2019 called the outer worlds. From what I have seen, It's basically the love child of Borderlands and Fallout.
  9. As a Black Man, I have also experienced racism in the United States while being there on vacation.
  10. That's why I want to hurry up and get that underground bunker to seal myself away from all the stupidity in this world.
  11. 🤣🤣🤣 You got me with that one.
  12. I could but I'm too busy to dedicate any extended time to gaming competitively. Gaming for me is a hobby that helps me to relax and sometimes stimulates my creativity for my animation videos.
  13. My favorite gaming Youtuber is Xpertthief because his videos are always hilarious and he always comes up with creative ways to troll people in games like Fortnite, Gta V, RDR2 etc.
  14. Ask me almost anything except questions about your future...I am not a psychic/Ouija board. and don't ask me political questions because my answer is get rid of all the politicians.
  15. Welcome mate and gaming is for all ages. Please be active and let us all have a fun time
  16. Football is my favorite sport to watch - especially the Premier League and Champions League.
  17. I'd barracade myself in a Twinkie factory - Unlimited creamy goodness - mhmmm. I'd also make sure I create some makeshift weapons like a flamethrower with aerosol cans and lighters because you know Zombies hate fire and throw some water on the ground around an inactive generator and put some jumper cables into the water. If the zombies manage to get to that section they'd be in for a "shocking" ordeal...Badum tsss!..get it because I turn on the genera - Ok I'll see myself out.
  18. lol I got an emulator so I will look up the game shortly...🤣🤣
  19. I guess I'll need to check it out then. What platform was Twilight Princess on?(I know it's nintendo but which system specifically).
  20. I think it's the company that aired Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air that sued so yeah it's the owner of the show.
  21. I agree. I hate buying things just for the sake of buying them - everything I get must serve a purpose to me.
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