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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Definitely - I know of quite a few games like that where I was going to pre-order them and I instead chose to wait until after release when the reviews came out to make my decision and it has saved me tons of money and from a lot of disappointment.
  2. The author can do as they please with their book - if they want to monetise it or sell it for free, they should be the ones to decide.
  3. Cheese with apple pie? Wait what? Your father-in-law should be reported to the authorities for abusing the apple pie XD. I'm just playing but I'm definitely not going down that road with apple pie.
  4. When I build a new desktop, it'll be the wired device and then I'll start using the Wifi on my laptop more. Just like you, I've started to shift towards wireless and mainly because it's become a lot more affordable.
  5. Fair enough, I have a galaxy watch and I shut off most of the fitness features because I don't need them. I like it for things like notifying me who is calling without having to take my phone out of my pocket when I'm out and about or responding to messages.
  6. The benefits outweigh the risk and with how sophisticated cybercrime has become, using 2FA has become a top priority for most people including myself - I'm talking mainly about authenticator codes or a Yubikey or using both in some extreme cases.
  7. I know it's here to stay but it's adoption rate isn't all that great and as seen with the Metaverse, not many people fancy virtual worlds as yet. Microsoft and other companies have shut down their Meta divisions and Meta has moved away from VR to AI machine learning and that should tell you that VR still has some ways to go.
  8. It's a pretty slimy move and I'm glad Meta is failing because I don't want Facebook to be in charge of building the VR framework of the future.
  9. Nah, I'd be far more stealthy taking them out one by one and probably trigger some kind of fire alarm or something to create total chaos to make my grand exit.
  10. I'd actually consider it - as it stands, I've stopped playing Among Us for close to two years if not more due to the repetitive gameplay. VR just might rekindle my interest in it.
  11. Not currently - most modern VR headsets are out of support by 3 years. And even before they officially end support, they'll only be handing out occasional patches.
  12. To be fair, most wireless controllers nowadays aren't that much more expensive than the wired versions so you could look into them.
  13. To be fair, a lot of those modern flip phones don't sell a lot either and within a year normally break and you end up having to buy a new one. I probably wouldn't get one - it's the same reason I've been avoiding foldables. They're just durable enough.
  14. I grew up in family of singers and musicians - both my parents were musicians so music is second nature to me.
  15. Wow - that's messed up. Hope you stay safe man. If I were you, I'd start feeding the local wildlife, especially things like bears and wolves. Best security and they'll kill anything else besides you, your friends and family. I knew of a guy who used to live in Siberia who feed a family of tigers and he and his family has never been bothered by anyone. However, he did come across other dead predators like wolves, bears etc. within close proximity of his house.
  16. COD and Dark Souls aren't really the average games. Those games take lots of skill and patience. I doubt I've ever completed all the achievements in either. I know for a fact, I've never done it for any Dark Souls title.
  17. Nah, I used to have lots of remote control cars as well. I mainly used them for things tripping my big brother up when he was walking past and acting like it was an accident. Yeah, I know, I used be a bastard of a kid...
  18. Squid Game is on Netflix if you have a subscription, you can check it out. I enjoyed the first season but haven't really heard anything about the second.
  19. I'm being cautiously optimistic as most other movies have been underwhelming this year. This and the new Transformers movie I'm looking forward to.
  20. I'm not going to lie, I died of laughter when I saw Madara roasting the hell out f Naruto and Obito having to simplify it just so that Naruto could understand and he still didn't get it 🤣
  21. killamch89


    I totally agree - it's amazing how he can speak about the same thing in so many different ways.
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