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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Metroid Prime Remake, Hogwarts Legacy And Need For Speed Heat.
  2. killamch89

    The Wii U

    Same here - I bought it but hardly used it and I never liked it all that much to begin with so I got rid of it within a year. If I'm being honest, it irritates me when I even have to talk about the WII U lol.
  3. I had one back in the day but after high school, I lost it during moving. It's such a shame too because I always used to play it when I was travelling.
  4. I'd argue that the Switch is in a market of its own as it's the only hybrid gaming console currently on the market that sells. It's portable but can turn into a proper console with the dock.
  5. The WII U was a very unique concept that was horribly implemented. I agree that it's the worst Nintendo console I have ever owned - the Virtual Boy is the only one I can remember not owning either.
  6. From leaks, it's priced $50 more than the 512 GB Steam Deck with way more features and is more powerful. Granted, there are others that are more powerful than the Steam Deck as well but they costs $1000 up which is ridiculous. I'll be looking forward to the reviews of this device because if it delivers on most of what it promises, Valve will have to really up their game. What are your thoughts on this device?
  7. killamch89

    Is RGB important?

    Mine does too but I change it in the settings so it's kind of a non-factor for me. Here's another example - an RGB Spotlight for sale on Amazon? It's bad enough having a 70's disco inside with all that RGB. How's it even going to help you outside!
  8. With what I do, it tends to be a necessity. I also want to go back to travelling a lot more so a gaming laptop would keep me entertained on the go.
  9. I have one that's about 3 years old as well and I've had to replace the battery recently. I mean, you can still run it without the battery by keeping your laptop plugged in (found this out a few years back), but it's really inconvenient. The only reason I haven't built a new desktop yet is due to the fact that I'm contemplating where I'm going to live.
  10. Retroarch is also the one I sue for everything and it takes a bit to get setup but once you do, it's such a joy to have. Before I used Retroach, I had 9 million different emulators but now - it satisfies all my needs.
  11. When it comes to certain things like content creation and other productivity needs, the Mac is pretty good at that as the apps are more optimized for the most part. I'll give it that much - for the average user however, I definitely would recommend a PC. Besides that, Macbooks and Macs are extremely expensive to fix.
  12. Yeah - there hasn't been enough backlash about these things. Otherwise, they'd be priced far more reasonable...
  13. The only thing I never like with Xbox 360 controllers is how much issues you started having with them after like 6-7 months and I'm someone who takes very good care of my tech.
  14. I probably wouldn't have wanted it then, the Gameboy was light and could fit in my pocket for the most part although I never really kept it there. Would you say carrying it in your bag felt like carrying around a bunch of textbooks or worse?
  15. I had a Sega Saturn but it was overshadow by both the Snes and my Sega genesis. I spent more time on those two than the Saturn. It was a fantastic console but if just never felt like a big enough improvement on the Genesis.
  16. I agree with FF7, the new graphical polish and improved gameplay really won me over and although there were elements of the remake I never fancied all that much, it's till a better example of a remake done right. The Metroid Prime Remake on the Switch is also pretty awesome with the improved controls and graphical update.
  17. Hey everyone - how's it going? The place has gotten a tad quiet - how's everybody been?
  18. One of my dogs had ear hematoma and had surgery so I've had to be nursing him back to health - I had to be sticking him with needles to drain some of the fluid out of his ears everyday just so it doesn't swell up again. His ear is slightly deformed but at least he's okay now.
  19. Still haven't checked it out - do you know anyone who still plays it or have they also moved on?
  20. Same - I'm always fooling around and testing different theories in any given game. Hell, I even make up my own unique challenges. Speedruns are so pointless...
  21. I agree about MK 11's story - another freaking time-travel/ reboot. What's the point of the series if all the consequences can be undone. I'd have liked some of the main cast to stay dead just to create a lot of tension throughout MK 11. But no, instead we got a big reset button...again!
  22. Your tone about the game sure has changed since playing it. I started playing it the other day and other than a few performance issues here and there, it's pretty solid. Personally, I've never liked Harry Potter and it has nothing to do with the creator, the world itself never quite appealed to me like the Witcher if I was to compare a medieval fantasy game based on book series.
  23. It's Doctor Eggman - he's the culprit by direct or indirect association. None of the other known characters in his team or Shadow would betray him like that. Not unless they were brainwashed by Doctor Eggman.
  24. Deadpool fights everyone and makes hilarious jokes while doing it. The issue is how complex Deadpool's motives are - he's ridiculously unpredictable so making a game based on Deadpool would a lot of work especially if they want it to be good.
  25. EA doesn't like having to put actual effort into maintaining any of their games and especially when it's not profitable for them. They'll just let it die - a slow painful death...
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