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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's ok lol. We all make that mistake with some games because I don't know which exact genres they fall under either.
  2. EA's game quality has been really lacking the last 5 years. It shouldn't surprise anyone because they don't care about their customers, they only care about your money and pushing an agenda.
  3. You mean Fallout 4 online lol. You're the first person I have heard who is addicted to it - most of my hardcore Fallout-loving friends were trying to get refunds because they wasted $60 dollars on it. Everyone has a preference though so I won't judge lol.
  4. I was browsing through a couple of their videos last night and I laughed my socks off!
  5. EA has been taking an absolute beating all year in sales and I hope it gets worse. We need that greedy anti-consumer company to go bankrupt. GTA V Online may be somewhat of a huge cash grab now but you are correct about the quality of Rockstar's work - They always make solid games - take L.A. Noire for instance. A 30's detective thriller in a somewhat open-world setting. I don't feel it gets enough acclaim as GTA V or RDR 2 but it is a solid game nonetheless.
  6. It's a ticking time bomb the moment developers join EA because if one of their releases doesn't sell the expected numbers, EA shuts them down their project and leaves the developers to rot and won't even hand back over the rights to the developer's original work.
  7. Yeah. I also used to have roller blades as well - I used to love watching the X-games for the extreme stunts from Tony Hawk and other pro-skateboarders.
  8. No, You have different kinds of trolling - You have the malicious ones that tell people to commit suicide, throw around racist remarks and are just outright disgusting. Then you have harmless trolls like me who will trick other people in-game into falling for a trap/gag and everyone laughs.
  9. That's exactly what I do lol. Everybody normally laughs even the person getting trolled...
  10. https://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3539044/resident-evil-2-demo/ I came across this interesting piece of news recently that a one-shot demo of the Resident Evil 2 Remake will be made available on the Microsoft Store on January 11, 2019 - 2 weeks before the games full release which is January 25, 2019. I am kind of conflicted to go and get it because the demo will just serve to lessen my patience for the full game. Are you going to get the demo? Or are you going to wait for it's full release?
  11. The first Nintendo console I ever owned was the original Nintendo with the square controllers and those big cartridges lol. The first games I ever got for it was duck hunt and Mario.
  12. I remember playing top gear for the Super NES back in the days but no, I wouldn't recommend buying one because you can easily find emulators to run those same games. If you are buying it as a collector's item for the nostalgia effect, then you can do it.
  13. If you could a lifetime supply of any food item, what would it be and why?
  14. When I was a kid I used to skateboard but I have outgrown it. Back in the day, I could do a Nollie shove-it and kick flips.
  15. I support Arsenal Football Club because of the attractive football they always play.
  16. I agree - I prefer to go on the pitch and play although I do love watching it as well. My friends and I play football most Sundays 🙂
  17. Football players are padded up in all kinds of protective equipment so they won't really feel anything. If you have ever taken soccer tackle especially studs up in your shin or being elbowed in the face or being stamped on then you'd have a different opinion.
  18. In most online games I play, I tend to be a huge troll - I am not the malicious kind fo troll - I'm more the one that everyone laughs with and I don't usually troll my own team because I obviously want to win. Do you troll in online games and if so, what kind of troll are you?
  19. Whatever you guys do please don't let EA or one of those major companies try to buy out your company because all they will do is ruin your hard work. Your game looks extremely promising so far but I would like a bit more detail as to what the objective of your video game is - a bit of backstory would be nice.
  20. *Cough*Bethesda*Cough* EA, Activision, and Bethesda are the worst when it comes to business practices - EA is in a league of their own though. The whole battlefield 5 fiasco totally turned me off from the franchise.
  21. Thanks for the history lesson lol
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