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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I love how cosplayers take it up a notch with stuff like this. It's like seeing the game come to life.
  2. Isn’t it funny how characters in games can inspire our real-life style choices? Glasses can really elevate a look. I’m glad you found a style that you love!
  3. That’s exactly why I found myself sticking to the main quests. I felt like I was just ticking off boxes instead of genuinely exploring. If they had made the sidequests more engaging, the world wouldn't feel like such a massive void that needed to be filled.
  4. Nice pick! The tension of trying to do your job while dealing with the moral implications is what makes it so compelling.
  5. Totally agree! The thought cabinet is a brilliant feature. It really sets Disco Elysium apart from other RPGs by giving you the ability to shape your character’s psyche and the story in unexpected ways.
  6. Personally, I'm more of a target guy. I find that Target usually always has what I need.
  7. I always avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. I know it’s silly, but it’s a habit I picked up as a kid. It’s more about the ritual than actually believing it will break my mother’s back!
  8. His English is poor at times. I think he's talking about the person cheating on you - he's actually agreeing with you. I realized that when he responds to me at times.
  9. People always thought I was rich for whatever reason because I never really complained about my financial issues or begged for money when in reality, I was struggling a lot of the time. I just saw no point in complaining about it as none of them could help me anyways - besides, I'm not one to ask for help with anything unless it's a last resort and I can't afford it.
  10. Bed for me. I have a spare room with a bed and if that's not enough space, have an inflatable air mattress so there's plenty of space to sleep for everyone.
  11. On some days, I really love the thunderstorm with lots of rain falling. All the while, I'm curled up in bed - I love sleeping when it's raining.
  12. I had pneumonia at 8 years old and I was hospitalized for close to 6 months because mine was severe. The original doctor that was treating me diagnosed me with Asthma so I was getting the wrong treatment until my parents got me to an old doctor and he correctly diagnosed me. I was hospitalized the same day.
  13. Played some Skyrim today and updated my elemental Dunmer modded build.
  14. The Cable Guy (1996) - 9/10
  15. Honestly, I'm not sure. When fate decides it's my time to go, it is what it is. Until then, I'll just continue living my life.
  16. It's already out on Gog.com. You can learn more about how to get it here.
  17. With Ubisoft cutting jobs and canceling projects, it seems like they’re trying to pivot towards more profitable ventures. It’d be interesting to see how this might affect the quality and quantity of their future releases. Ubisoft is really feeling the effects of constantly making terrible decisions over the past decade.
  18. Renewing licenses for delisted games is a great move by Microsoft. It shows they’re paying attention to fan demand and supporting the legacy of older titles. I’d love to see more companies doing this as well.
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