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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Nope. It'd make a situation where you'd have to take your gaming far more seriously and that kills all the fun for me. I'd probably start hating gaming after a while because I'd be burnt out and stressed.
  2. The scariest game I'd say I've played to date is Madison. That game made me have trust issues regarding statues. Those inanimate objects are constantly moving all over the place and creeps me out. In addition to that, the jumpscares in this game are terrifying to say the least and I'm not one to easily frightened by most horror games.
  3. I totally get that urge. For me, I tend to sit back and let everything settle for a few days, just reflecting on the story and the journey I went through. Sometimes, I even rewatch key moments or read online discussions to keep the experience alive a bit longer. Talking about it with others who also finished the game feels like a way to process all the emotions and themes, too.
  4. You raise an interesting argument. It’s true that we are shaped by external forces, but would you say that AI can truly be 'rebellious' in the same way humans can? Even in Deus Ex, those acts of rebellion seem to require a sense of purpose or emotion, something that may be uniquely human.
  5. I can see how games might help with stress, but can they really replace other forms of therapy, like talking to a professional? While video games provide temporary relief, I wonder if relying on them might avoid addressing the deeper issues.
  6. I always felt like there was more to explore with The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. She’s such a fascinating and pivotal character, but so much of her history and motivations are only hinted at. I wish we got more backstory or even a game focused on her perspective.
  7. Yeah. It really gives you a chance to just chill out for a while and take your mind off things. Or sometimes, it helps me to think of a solution.
  8. I love it when games add ambient dialogue between NPCs that evolves as the story progresses. It makes the world feel more alive, like in Red Dead Redemption 2 where the townspeople will reference things you’ve done in the game. It really helps to immerse you in the world.
  9. Two of my gaming buddies, one from Colombia and one from Mexico vacationed in my country and I took them sight-seeing and went to the beach. It was a blast!
  10. For me, Hollow Knight is a big one. The level of detail in the world, the fluid combat, and the atmospheric soundtrack all gave me the same feeling as playing a high-budget AAA game. It's crazy how much effort went into every little detail.
  11. Yhwach walking up the Reishi steps was absolutely epic! You can tell he's oozing with confidence after regaining his full power.
  12. How's everyone doing this week? My week has been fantastic so far - Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is in early access and I'm enjoying it so far.
  13. Playing some Dragon Ball Sparking Zero early access and this game is amazing! I mean, I've run into one or two minor glitches but the experience has been mostly smooth outside of that. I can see myself playing this everyday for a while.
  14. Has anyone here ever had a close encounter with a wild animal? Maybe while hiking, camping, or even in your own backyard? Whether it was a bear, a snake, or something unexpected, I’d love to hear your stories. How did you react, and how did it all turn out?
  15. Hey everyone, between rollerblades and rollerskates which do you prefer and which do you think is better for general use, and why?
  16. How do you feel about rollercoasters? Some people love the adrenaline rush, while others can't stand the feeling of being tossed around. Are you a thrill-seeker who can't get enough, or do you avoid them at all costs?
  17. Which supermarket chain is your go-to and why. Is it the product variety, customer service, prices, or maybe something else that keeps you coming back?
  18. I'm curious to hear about your experiences with high jumps into water. Whether it's from a cliff, a diving board, or somewhere else, what's the highest point you've ever jumped from? How did it feel? Would you do it again, or was it a "never again" moment?
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