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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Normally with an official release, we'd get some kind of premise. I know it says that this is the year of Payday in the trailer but is it really coming out this year? But then again, it's been about a decade since the last game. Either way, I hope it'll come out by June of this year.
  2. To be fair, WWF on the N64 took a lot of button combinations to do certain things so I understood why it'd be difficult to learn - even I found it hard to play when I was just getting into it. I sincerely hope that doesn't make a comeback either.
  3. The Devil May Cry Reboot takes that title as the worst in the series. I have no idea what Capcom execs were thinking at the time but I'm glad that game flopped badly. They basically turned Dante into some gothic kid with a bad taste in music. I've always been a fan of Devil May Cry from the first game outside of the reboot and DMC 2. The reboot being the worst - I think DMC 3 did a good job on explaining the relationship between Dante and Vergil and I think DMC 5 gave Vergil a lot of character development. I'll always love the original game and I played it a lot up until I left high school.
  4. I'm not touching it until they remedy this foolishness. It's nonsensical that these people didn't think about including online in the Xbox version just because the Xbox version was upscaled...Why would any Xbox fans buy the game in this state?
  5. I haven't played Destiny 2 in years but I remembered when everyone used to blame Activision for all the issues Destiny 2 had. Once Bungie separated from them though, I noticed that some of those same issues persist such as shady pricing schemes from certain things in-game.
  6. I don't know, it feels a bit more like a warehouse than a superstore per say. It's also one of the more glitchy maps in modern warfare so that's why I don't like it that much.
  7. Same - I love to explore the environments in videogames. Fool around with stuff here and there - Speedrunning is just not my forte.
  8. I used to play those games all the time as a kid and I wouldn't mind something that recaptures the nostalgia. From what I've seen, this seems like a more authentic WWE experience than the WWE 2k games.
  9. I mean it can code but it's more or less basic coding - I think it'll take another 3-4 years before Ai gets to the stage that it can produce videogames.
  10. To be honest, we don't even know that much about Payday 3 outside of the trailer that came out a few weeks ago. We don't even know the release date - Don't get me wrong, I'm happy we got a trailer at least but couldn't they provide us with a bit more detail.
  11. We know that Kraven is in the game along with Venom but I wonder if others such as Mysterio will be in the game as well? There were also rumors that the flaming torch and Daredevil would make appearances in the game so let's see how that goes as well. I heard that the story in this one will be much darker than the original Spiderman game so I'm excited to see where this goes.
  12. Wait, so there's no PC release? I mean, you can play it through Gamepass I guess but still...
  13. I mean, the price of Xbox Series consoles and PS5 consoles has been going up in other parts of the world so it's not like this was unexpected.
  14. Under the copyright laws, that'd be acceptable if they made a good number of edits to the original design.
  15. I'm with everyone on this - How do you even make connection between the two when they're two different circumstances? I swear the Blizzard CEO must've gotten a Fox News Writer to help him come up with this crap. I lost brain cells just reading Activision's counterargument.
  16. I'd have to disagree - NFTs is so demonized, even the Crypto community has disowned such projects. The amount of fraud scandals involving NFTs over past 2 years has accounted for hundreds of millions of dollars lost. With NFTs, you're basically at the mercy of the provider. Once they shut down the server an NFT is on, you no longer have access to them. They're easily hackable and overall, just a terrible fad that needs to go away.
  17. While I agree, I think the Switch and Steam Deck are successful for very different reasons. The flexibility of the Switch as a hybrid in addition to having the Nintendo franchise exclusively on the Switch is the main factor it was so successful. The Steam Deck, while being underpowered to more recent offerings, is the most polished handheld gaming experience available and with the ability to boot any OS to it, makes the Steam Deck a far more appealing device. Also, it's a lot cheaper than the competition.
  18. For me it's Solid Snake - he represented what it really means to be human. To accept your flaws but don't allow them to hind you in accomplishing your objectives. I also loved how he wasn't afraid of jumping into danger if it was for a good cause.
  19. Let's not forget about the Vice City commercials - the music and everything was so epic.
  20. You mean that snowboarding game? Funny enough, I was just about to mention it. I think it's a fantastic game as well with very little flaws but it just doesn't have that X-factor to make it stand out so I can see why people overlooked it. Symphony of War for the Nintendo Switch is one that also got overlooked because it has the RPG style of Fire Emblem from the GBA days - it also has a very deep story and some very interesting characters.
  21. I know that you can get motion sickness from playing certain games and the headaches come with that or maybe just playing for extended hours. However, I don't think I've heard of the brightness causing headaches. Have you paid your doctor a visit to make sure everything's fine?
  22. I wonder how you'd set something like this up for racing games and what functions are accessible to your viewers.
  23. Me either - I mean, you could even Vinyl wrap it yourself if you wanted but I've never felt the need to do something like that.
  24. Socom was one of my favorite PS2 games ever and I still don't understand why they ever dropped it. I mean, it was fairly popular and everyone who played it at the time loved it. As for Golden Sun, it's been ages since I've seen this one - I remember how popular it was on the GBA. From what I remember, it was a fantastic traditional RPG like Chrono Trigger. I remember when it and Fire Emblem used to be among the top RPGs on the GBA.
  25. Mario definitely wins this - I can't think of another videogame character is known by everyone no matter their age or whether they're into videogames or not.
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