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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I agree - unless his games somehow incorporate Mario as an important character in the plot, most people aren't into Wario or Waluigi like that. It's a shame too, I personally think he's a very unique character with his twisted yet comical personality. As for Waluigi, I doubt I've ever seen him get his own game. He's always in the Mario party, Mario Kart and other Mario multiplayer titles so I'd welcome a Waluigi game.
  2. I've done it before - here in Jamaica we drive on the left side of the road and we have mainly right-hand drive cars and I've driven my brother's car in the US which is LHD on the opposite with zero difficulty.
  3. The scary thing about this whole fight was Urahara toying with Yammy who was in fact the strongest Espada. He could've easily defeated Yammy with his bankai if he wanted to.
  4. killamch89


    Are you talking about the original Yu-GI-Oh series with Yugi and Kaiba or another?
  5. That's why I tend to use the authenticator codes on apps like Google Authenticator and a Yubikey with a spare key in a Fireproof safe. Using mobile phone numbers as a 2fa method is extremely unreliable because people can easily use tools to copy your sim card number and get the sms to gain access to your account. I don't tend to use the email variant either because if you loose access to your email address, you're screwed as well. 2fa in these times is very essential especially when data breaches/leaks are happening left and right.
  6. Here are some file sharing apps/webapps that work across multiple platforms that I've personally used: Snapdrop.net (works with android/pc/iOS) (only caveat - all devices have to be on the same Wi-Fi network) Sharedrop.io (same as Snapdrop) (only caveat - same as Snapdrop) rDroplink (works with android/PC/ iOS) (only caveat - none that I found when I used it. Let me know if you discover any) Are there any you'd like to share?
  7. Do you use 2FA on your online accounts? If so, which method is your favorite? Codes on your Authenticator app, Hardware Authenticator (Yubikey) SMS or Email? Personally, I always use the Authenticator app codes as well as Yubikeys to keep my accounts secure. What about you?
  8. So, I was having this conversation with my friends the other day where we debated on how many email addresses are actually needed. My personal email setup is as follows: 2 - dedicated to recovering accounts 1 - dedicated to communication with friends and family only 2 - dedicated to my bank accounts (1 for local banks and 1 for international bank accounts) 1 - for social media in addition to using email aliases so in the event of a data breach, my real email address won't get into the hands of hackers. 1 - for forums and junk websites in combination with email aliases. 1 - for online financial services 2 - for subscription services 1 - for shopping sites such as Ebay 1 - for business communication What's your email setup like?
  9. If it's original art, I don't think there's a copyright claim whereas just recoloring the original game cover and selling it would be more of a copyright case.
  10. I know right - this partnership is taking me way back with the Smackdown Games published but THQ, I can't wait for this AEW game - this will probably be the first wrestling game that I'd have bought in over a decade.
  11. Now this game looks awesome! From the rich, detailed world to the varied game mechanics - this definitely has my attention. This is almost like a better Cyberpunk 2077.
  12. You know which this game reminds me of? Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast! The colors, the cell-shaded graphics and it looks like a fun platforming game.
  13. I stopped playing GTA V in recent weeks when I found out about this...
  14. Payday 2 does have a sequel which is Payday 3 - the trailer dropped like a month ago. I haven't played Payday 2 in ages but I played it a lot for the first 6 months of release but then I kind of moved on.
  15. If it's good, I might give it a look but as it stands, it's still an EA game so I think I'll wait until the game drops fully and the reviews are out before I make any decisions.
  16. I'd say give it three or 4 years because even though Ai has come a long way in the past two years, a triple A game still would need a lot more work than current AI system such as ChatGPT and others can handle.
  17. In my opinion, I don't think Watch Dogs Legion was that bad - on the contrary, I enjoyed it a lot but I agree that 2 was the best game in terms of overall package. As for what's to come next, I don't know what to say because Ubisoft is going through such a rough period with their shares dropping significantly in recent years in addition to several games being cancelled recently, nobody has a clue what's going on with Ubisoft.
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