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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Damn - I thought she did a fantastic job as Tess in TLOU. Cancer is a painful way to die as well - I witnessed what my own father went through.
  2. Thanks for the correction - I stayed clear of it because that's what was reported by some outlets when the rumors first came out about the guardians of the galaxy game. Is it a good game?
  3. To top it all off, they also have a Guardian Of The Galaxies live service game as well - I'll admit that it seems to be way better than Marvel's Avengers but why'd Square Enix have to make it a live-service game?
  4. I'd argue they're even worse - some of the things they complain about is ridiculous to say the least. The things that they should actually be addressing, they keep defending Activision/EA.
  5. I've seen this YouTube during certain streams but I've only ever seen it for things like GTA V RP. Some of the outcomes are so freaking hilarious.
  6. It's not about not wanting to bother with it, it has more to do with the fact that most modern games don't really utilize the feature compared to others of a bygone era so gaming companies won't prioritize it as much.
  7. I think I've played all but one of the Broken Sword series of games and it's always interesting how mundane the story starts with some outlandish tale but by the end of the game, you literally have to face off against some ancient beast or someone wielding some legendary ancient artifact that the tale was about. I remember playing the first Broken Sword game as a teen and I kept saying, this is such a well-written story - how is this a GBA game? I don't think I've ever played the Sam games or any of the others you mentioned but I'll check them out.
  8. To be honest, no one really knows the reason why EA stopped making Fight Night but I hope that reason stays valid so that they won't attempt to revive it.
  9. Maybe if another company makes the Avenger's game who would put some actual effort into it like a Capcom for instance, then I'd be a bit more positive. However, as we said before the launch, this game was a huge moneygrab to capitalize on the popularity of the Avengers franchise.
  10. I agree - but do you these companies actually care about their employees? Not one bit - they're just a means to an end and they can easily replace most of them so Microsoft doesn't really have to care either and the lack of unionization is why this can even happen in the first place.
  11. It just means that Sony's vetting process for games published on their platform is flawed or was flawed at the time. Did Sony ever detail how their system would be better at detecting things like this?
  12. I agree - another example is Fight Night by EA. Immensely popular series in the 2000's to early 2010's - I'm glad EA didn't try to make another one after 2011. Otherwise, I'm sure they'd have ruined it by now.
  13. You still have not posted anything concrete - there have been quite a number of cases where people in the US pleaded guilty to things because their attorney badly advised them (Not saying that's what going on here in this case). Until I see the evidence presented in court and a guilty verdict - I'm not drawing any conclusions. It's not like we're dealing with Mel Gibson who has a history of abuse and violent behavior.
  14. To be honest, the lawsuit was in the making way before we ever started discussing this whole thing. As early as last July (if I remember correctly) when the EU were looking into Google's anti-competitive behavior so I believe that's one of the lawsuits.
  15. I don't have enough to go on with this but let's hear the court verdict and evidence brought forward before we start jumping on the bandwagon. Remember, Johnny Depp was also accused of domestic abuse and we saw how that turned out. I've been seen too much of this happening lately with people being accused of abuse only to find out the allegations are false so let's hear the court verdict.
  16. I'm going to miss it but it's probably for the best - other developers prolong a series and you end up with something like Gran Turismo 7.
  17. $2,000?! - I have so many questions! Like I know you guys mentioned it's terrible and I can see that it is but the only thing I can think of is the individual did this to gain some clout. Clout has become the drug for a lot of people these days...
  18. I know - it's been in the news over the past week or so. It's greedy megacorporations having a go at each other - I'm loving this.
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