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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. It's best to prioritize your work while on the job because it's what pays the bills.
  2. Minecraft is amazing for creativity, but I’ve always been intrigued by the building systems in games like Terraria or No Man's Sky. They offer a different take on construction with unique mechanics.
  3. Great shout. Gorod Krovi is my favorite Zombie map because how of it includes monsters like Dragons in it.
  4. I'm glad to hear that you're okay. I just got a kitten the other day from a woman that I found her engagement ring at an event. I name her Percy and she's the sweetest little thing. From the minute I got her, she keeps cuddling up to me. My dog is also very protective of her and she cuddles with him when I'm not available.
  5. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the current pace of game releases. With major titles dropping almost every week, do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume? Or do you think it’s a perfect time to be a gamer, with so many options available? Maybe you feel the quality is suffering due to the speed?
  6. I’m curious to hear about the various ways people give back to the gaming community. Do you create content like streams or videos, share tips and tricks, or help others through forums? Maybe you organize events or support indie developers? Share your contributions, big or small! How do you engage with others, and what impact do you think it has on the community as a whole? Let’s celebrate our passion for gaming and inspire each other to keep contributing.
  7. Hey, everyone! What’s your stance on sharing gaming accounts with friends or family? Some say it fosters camaraderie and allows for shared experiences, while others argue it risks security and violates terms of service. Have you shared your account, or do you prefer to keep your library private?
  8. Disagreements can pop up in any gaming group, whether it's over rules, strategies, or character choices. What are some effective ways to handle conflicts and keep the game enjoyable for everyone? Do you have any specific techniques or experiences that helped resolve issues? How do you maintain a positive atmosphere and ensure all voices are heard? Looking forward to your insights.
  9. When it comes to socializing through games, do you prefer co-op or competitive experiences? Co-op games often foster teamwork and collaboration, allowing for shared victories and fun moments. On the other hand, competitive games can lead to exciting rivalries and a thrilling atmosphere. What do you think?
  10. Nostalgia can be a wild ride! What trends, toys, or activities did you love as a kid that you now look back on and think, “What was I thinking?” Whether it’s a specific fashion choice, a once-popular TV show, or a hobby that has faded away, share your experiences. Let’s reminisce about those “cool” things that just don’t have the same charm today. Bonus points for cringe-worthy memories.
  11. We've all had that one teacher who stood out from the rest whether for their eccentric behavior, inspiring stories, or unique teaching style. Who was the craziest or most interesting teacher you've ever had?
  12. Whether it was a hilarious success or an epic fail, we’ve all been on the giving or receiving end of a good (or bad) practical joke. What’s the funniest or most disastrous prank you’ve ever played on someone or had pulled on you?
  13. In the past, people were often buried with the things they’d need for the afterlife, like tools or personal belongings. If that tradition still existed today, what would you want to be buried with so you could use it in the afterlife? Would it be something sentimental, practical, or just for fun?
  14. I'm curious to know what the community thinks about tattoos. Do you have any? If so, what's the story behind them? If you don't, is there a reason you've decided against getting one?
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