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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I get what you mean - I just want VR to improve further before taking the plunge. I'd like to try playing Alien Isolation with VR if it's possible because I know it'd be an extremely horrific experience.
  2. Yep, it sounds pretty good - a good beat to have when going into battle. I'd give it a 9/10 as well.
  3. I wasn't talking just about the battle pass. I was talking about ads in $60-$70 games such as UFC. It's only after the backlash that they completely removed it.
  4. I'd have to agree that split-screen feature is dying because a lot of modern gamers don't really utilize the feature at all. So companies aren't going to see it as a priority.
  5. Prejudice, Racism, Classism and Murder have always been apart of life so it being reflected in videogames shouldn't be surprising. Let's be honest, no one would like RDR2 or GTA if all the characters were all lovey dovey and singing kumbaya. The story just wouldn't feel authentic or give us something to relate to.
  6. That's nothing but the facts. Let's be honest with ourselves, every company's primary goal is to make money - not to genuinely care about its customers. They only act like they care because our money is what sustains them. Let the minute that our funds no longer is their primary source of earning and you'll see how they really feel about their customers.
  7. I'm not surprised to be honest - as a long-time Halo fan, I've always maintained that this game just never felt like a Halo game at all. It felt more like some kind of generic fps with Halo assets and some gameplay modes. The story is mediocre and the game suffers from numerous issues not to mention it's boring (can't believe I'm saying this about a Halo game) - it's probably the first Halo game that felt like it lacked any direction. So What the Halo Devs are saying shouldn't shock anyone. What are your thoughts on the comments of the Halo Dev?
  8. All I can say is finally! It's been a car crash since its official release and has only gotten worse with all the issues post-launch. What are your thoughts on Marvel's Avengers?
  9. My dogs are usually outside anyways so my gaming does not disturb them.
  10. I haven't watched it as yet but I get around to it once I finish watching Dragon Age: Absolution.
  11. I wondered if I was seeing correctly - just 6 episodes for the season?! And the episode are just 26 minutes long while the ones from DOTA: Dragon's Blood are like 29 - 32 min long and it was 8 episodes per season.
  12. As @Shagger has said, it's a weird one - the game is a driving sim anyways so why make a real-life racing movie about a game that's trying to emulate real racing. The final product will likely be something like a Top Gear movie without Jeremy Clarkson.
  13. Need For Speed: Heat And CS:GO
  14. Nope - I mean, there's no point. Yes, I can start multiple games on my laptop and they'll run smoothly enough but I won't get any enjoyment of constantly cycling through games.
  15. Nope and that's just because I have more than enough space to run it on my gaming laptop. I'm currently in the process of building my own cloud server though so I can backup my own data.
  16. Also just to add, there was a PS2 emulator project that recently got shut down by a developer due to the toxic community which is a shame because it was coming along so nicely.
  17. My sentiments exactly and also, it's far easier to upgrade your built PC without voiding any warranties.
  18. Traditional mouse for me all day long - I've seen those at former workplaces and I think the office is the only place they'd belong.
  19. Yeah, most games can upscale to 4k 60 fps on mine so it looks pretty good.
  20. Also, some physical copies of certain games are region locked so there's also that to consider...
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