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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Was playing some MGS V earlier. Can't believe I hadn't played it in like 6 months.
  2. I do remember this in the mid 2000s. I had quite a number of YouTube friends on my old AOL account. Those were some good times when we could get quality videos and people were free to express their opinion without being banned for every little thing.
  3. It is a sport. I mean you have MMA and UFC which are sports based on Martial Arts. Kickboxing too.
  4. This is factual. I say it all the time - if the police wanted me to snitch on some criminals, just force me to watch Test Cricket for 1 minute and I'd start squealing like a nosy pig on the farm. The most exciting part of Golf is when they whack the ball into the pond and an alligator immediately comes out of the water and just lays there. Making everyone know it's pointless to try and retrieve that ball.
  5. I knew Fag as a cigarette growing up until I became a teen and then I learned it was also a slur for gay men.
  6. I take it you've been on one already? Right? Or was it someone you knew?
  7. Honestly, my school days weren't that bad. Maybe because I was skipping a good portion of the time but yeah, I wasn't picked on because I knew how to fight and I also had friends who lived in the same community as me who I grew up with so they were also ready to jump in if I needed help.
  8. Yeah, I remember when you got this. Do you plan to do any modifications to it?
  9. I'd say Dan Millman is mine because his books really helped me when I was in a dark place and they have so many valuable lessons.
  10. Maybe three or four at most. I worked with the government as part of law enforcement, worked as a Customer Service Rep for companies like Spotify, Redbubble and a local Telecommunications company.
  11. I love talking about games and life in general. Life itself is such a fascinating thing with its constant twists and turns like a rollercoaster.
  12. I have a few people that I know that I can trust but even then, I don't trust them blindly because people can switch up on you in a heartbeat. It's difficult to trust people when most people are inherently selfish and willing to use anyone including their own family to achieve their goals.
  13. "Even in dark times we cannot relinquish the things that makes us human" - Khan, Metro 2033
  14. I mean, I have both currently but it depends on what you're looking for in terms of functionality. If you want the ultimate gaming experience visually, the Gaming monitor is a no-brainer. If you want something that's versatile, the TV wins hands down.
  15. I'm Nonchalant for the most part. I probably say something like, "Well that sucks." and I'm on to the next game. Losing in videogames is a part of the experience.
  16. That's called having your priorities straight and there's nothing wrong with that. I'd do the same if I was in your position - work sustains your livelihood and also gives you money to buy games so that has to be the priority.
  17. Sounds like a total disaster waiting to happen. Any games involving Crypto usually go sour after a while.
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