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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Very valid point, I also get confused when a $60+ game has ads and battle passes - it's very greedy of the publishers and developers to be ripping off their fanbase like that.
  2. To be honest, I don't even really use TikTok all that much so I haven't tried it all. It's a very strange platform in terms of monetization and how they handle creators especially new ones.
  3. Yeah, it's started off okay but I'm just looking out for all the craziness to begin.
  4. I give some hints usually and I make sure to tell them - I have a million socks, lots of ties and underwear. Get me something tech-related that is unique.
  5. killamch89

    NYE Plans?

    Spent New Years with the family at a gaming lounge. It was pretty fun as we were playing some arcade games.
  6. Mum for but it's because I'm from Jamaica and we mainly speak UK English.
  7. To be honest, I've been spending more time with my friends and family over the Christmas period so I didn't game quite as much. That's great. What kind of gaming chair is it? Happy New Year to you too mate.
  8. I used to work at the Airport and it has happened to quite a few runway staff but it normally happens because they didn't follow safety protocols and went too near to the jet engine.
  9. 2022 was bitter sweet for me - better than 2020 or 2021 with all the Covid restrictions but 2022 has been a rollercoaster itself but ended pretty okay for me.
  10. Let's see - Thailand's pretty nice, Portugal especially Madeira island is also very beautiful but the runway is pretty windy and the landing will give you heart attacks. Cuba is nice except it tends to have a lot of old vehicles on the road but the people are very friendly and welcoming.
  11. Actually played some COD Warzone today and Overwatch 2 (at least I can get into some matches now).
  12. I think it's more to manipulate the kids into spending their parent's money because these gaming companies only care about that. Nothing else...
  13. I also wonder if he has played them all or are most of them just collector's items for his collection.
  14. Square Enix's long-term NFT strategy will backfire as the whole world hates NFTs and it's possible demonized even more in the gaming industry than anywhere else. Execs in these companies never seem to have a clue about what's going on in the world.
  15. How much you want to bet that when it's released, it'll still have a whole lot of bugs and glitches? Going by Ubisoft's releases in the past few years, I'm already keeping my expectations extremely low as I just know Skull and Bones is going to be a disappointment if it ever gets released that is.
  16. As others have said here, it sounds a bit bizarre coming from Neil as several other series have structured their games like that. Manhunt being one of the earliest examples so it's not like it is an original concept.
  17. The gaming industry is already on its way to being a monopoly where a few companies own most of the major gaming studios. I remember hearing about this years ago and also laughing. With that being said, I'm glad it didn't go through because Microsoft likely would've killed off most of the iconic series already like Mario Kart among others. It's Europe that's actually putting a stop to this.
  18. All I can say is that this takes a lot of dedication to compile over the years and to be constantly updating - that is amazing.
  19. Agreed - it is a steal at $21 but the re-released edition should be $30 at most because these Hitman games have been out for a few years now.
  20. I agree but they did say you can customize the button layout according to the article so it could be customized to their capabilities. Sony aren't know for selling anything at an affordable price - that's for sure... And I remember the single red button from Microsoft.
  21. I'm not sure yet but we'll see what they have to offer. A racing game can't be ruled out and if it's wacky and unique in a good way, it could really do wonders for them. I'm wondering how these departures will impact Forza in the long term.
  22. Definitely as we're also entering the age where we can get internet connection from satellites via Starlink so digital only consoles will be the way of the future. It also saves gaming companies a ton on things like shipping among other things and those bastards will do almost anything to make more profit.
  23. A Charging station is also recommended for both your wireless controllers and your other devices.
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