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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Half Life 3 had to be on this list and it should've been number one. I don't know why there's a small set of people thinking that we'll ever see Half-Life 3 ever coming out.
  2. Handhelds have been popping up left and right in the past two years especially since the success of the Switch and Steam Deck. However, the other offerings just aren't quite as polished as either of these two. My friend has a Steam Deck and the Steam OS is smooth - I also love the option of installing Windows but if Steam continues to polish it, it may become a viable alternative to Mobile windows in the near future.
  3. Older game series do still have a place on YouTube and I love watching some of them, especially ones for the older Ratchet & Clank games and games like Socom on the PS2.
  4. As much as I'd like split-screen Co-op to make a comeback, let's put it this way, not many modern gamers even make use of the feature anymore. They prefer to play online and so game developers don't think that it's an essential feature to have anymore.
  5. I agree - I do like when the AI is able to come up with more varied strategies to keep me on my toes when playing a game. For example, the xenomorphs in Alien Isolation learned how you responded to certain methods of attack and adapted which meant you couldn't keep using the same strategy to evade them the entire game.
  6. Not really - whenever I have headaches, that's when I normally go and play some games to ease my mind and it does help some of the time.
  7. You're forgetting about the Elder Scroll and Fallout series (particularly Skyrim and Fallout 4) - without the modding community, these games would just be mediocre games with some game-breaking bugs. Thanks to their modding communities, these mediocre Bethesda games have been turned into timeless hits.
  8. I guess it's exposed more non-gamers to the gaming space and influences some of them to become gamers themselves. On the other hand, you have toxic spears that keep threatening game developers over Social Media when the game they're looking forward to suffers a delay or some kind of setback. Also, there are the streamers who just jump into a game because it's the most popular thing out without learning the basics such as the controls or anything about the story of the game. I do agree with you here - a good amount of streamers just play the hottest thing available just to get views.
  9. Competitive gaming will only grow in stature as pro gaming gains more attention. I mean, a good amount of us watch others gaming on YouTube so Esports does have a lot of potential.
  10. Metal Gear GTA Elder Scrolls Fallout Need For Speed Devil May Cry Castlevania Mario Batman Arkham Final Fantasy Deus Ex Burnout Medal Of Honor SSX
  11. It sounds like a dream at first until you hear all the horror stories and the amount of mistreatment/poor conditions that testers have to work under. Then it sounds worse than any generic dead-end job.
  12. For sure it will but I'm not sure how much of an impact it'll have in the short-term. Until unionization is widespread and mandatory in the gaming industry, its impact will be very limited and could make those employees even bigger targets of discrimination/abuse.
  13. Hmmm. This quite an interesting one - Madison was pretty scary - scariest horror game I ever played. I don't think I've ever panicked in a game quite as much and just wanted it to end.
  14. That's a very valid point you're making there and I was going to bring it up. Also look at what Ubisoft did with some of their games as well - it almost seems like piracy is the only way you can keep around some games.
  15. For me, it's just playing longer and staying completely focused on the game I'm playing.
  16. Two - Three hours at most. I'm busy for a good part of the day so I don't usually have the time to game all day.
  17. Creating a game with "choices" only to end up with the good ending no matter what you chose. This illusion of choice thing really grinds my gears because what is the point of offering them if they didn't affect how the story played out in the first place.
  18. I did love the PS2 era as all kinds of brilliant and unique games were released for the PS2 including Ratchet And Clank and Devil May Cry. Between the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox, I had something to look forward to everyday when I got home.
  19. Nope - not at all. Although it may not be all that difficult depending on the console. You just screw off the external plates, spray paint it and let it dry before back the external panels back on.
  20. Not really, I play games with my friends sometimes - it's not all the time that I feel like gaming with them or have the time to either. Most gamers I know has a gaming buddy or two that they always play Co-op/online games with.
  21. To be perfectly honest, TV is a lot more boring nowadays because most of the shows on their absolute garbage outside of reruns of older shows. On cable right now, name one modern TV show that you love watching? You can't because the shows absolutely suck.
  22. Sporting games such as Fifa, Madden, NBA2K etc. don't care about making a quality story because that'll take too much effort and is pointless to the publishers as their games will still sell with minimal graphical upgrades and the re-addition of old gameplay mechanics and branding it as "revolutionary".
  23. PC - I doubt that'll change anytime soon either and although I enjoy my Switch, PC will be my primary source of entertainment.
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