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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's always been a solid series and probably the most realistic one out there. You didn't have any super powered demons like Kazuya and his bloodline from Tekken, a Soul devouring demon like Knightmare from Soul Calibur or anything of that sort. Just humans with exaggerated (more on the moderate side but still) athleticism - that's mainly why I liked it.
  2. It's okay if that's why you wanted to buy it for the jiggling effects but I was just saying that I actually liked it as a fighting series. I was exposed to a lot of stuff as a kid so things like that didn't phase me at all.
  3. Gameboy/Gameboy Color - Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal Gameboy Advance - Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald N64 - Pokemon Stadium 2 My favorite Pokemon game of the lot would probably be Crystal just cause it had every Pokemon just before going to the Hoenn Region. My favorite starting Pokemon was Cyndaquil. When it got to Typhlosion, it was an absolute monster. You could learn some rock based attacks as well as solar beam which was super effective against water Pokemon. Not to mention its slash was usually a critical and did tons of damage.
  4. I started playing Dead Or Alive on the original PS1 and I've played almost every single game. It has its flaws but I thought the characters in the first 4 games were actually pretty unique in terms of fighting style and personality. 5 and 6 kind of disappointed me though but Team Ninja says there's a reboot in the works so I hope this revives the series. Unlike a good amount of people who played it, I didn't play it just to see the female characters' assets jiggling.
  5. As others here have said, Modern Warfare 2 had its issues but the single-player story of this game has to be one of the best in the franchise. I can't recall another COD single-player campaign that had a story that was as immersive and full of plot twists as this. The multiplayer was pretty good from what I remember.
  6. Graphics are nice to have but honestly, other things are even more important to me like the gameplay mechanics and story. I'd rather play a game with poor graphics but great gameplay and story rather than the inverse.
  7. I was one of the original Fortnite players who started playing in late September 2017 but after a year, I grew bored of it and haven't played it since late 2018/early 2019.
  8. I've played Pacman on so many gaming platforms, I can't actually think of one I owned that I didn't play Pacman on barring my Nintendo Switch which I got fairly recently. But knowing how things work, I'll probably end up with a Pacman game at some point.
  9. This is such a difficult one - honestly, I'd get bored of playing one console for the rest of my life. That being said, I'd say the PS2 just because of the amount of hits it had - a close second for me would probably be the N64.
  10. I haven't played it myself because I'm traumatized from how bad the Marvel's Avengers game was a few years ago so I haven't gone anywhere near it. I'm always skeptical of Superhero games and with how badly Marvel's Avengers did, I'm definitely giving it time before I go anywhere near it.
  11. It's funny as hell - talking guns shouldn't be that funny but my favorite one in terms of dialogue is the knife with the Australian accent. Even the horrible voice acting is hilarious as hell. I've been playing it since last week and it's such a refreshing game in terms of concept - very unique.
  12. killamch89


    I used to play Sega Rally Racing and beat almost everyone at it because I used to drive my brother's Evo as a teen.
  13. Wait - you pre-ordered the Trilogy edition? I've learnt since my whole fiasco with Star Wars Battlefront 2 not to pre-order any game. I'll just wait for the reviews. It's saved me from spending money on games like Anthem and Fallout 76 to name a few.
  14. To be honest, I haven't played Animal Crossing since the Gamecube days and I don't currently own it for the Switch either. It's a great game but not really my type.
  15. Nope - I haven't even tried if I'm being honest. Firstly, I haven't played Fortnite in years and so I'd be very rusty and need time to actually get back to a decent level. I doubt I'd stand a chance against the Fortnite pros who've been continuously playing it since 2017.
  16. Yep - it's definitely not portable. On the other hand, there's a portable version of the Xbox Series S.
  17. Not going to lie - that has happened to me a couple of times.
  18. Manhunt was literally banned/censored everywhere and at the time, I thought it was ridiculous and looking back at it, it even seems more ridiculous because there were far more violent games out at that time that didn't get anywhere near the same treatment.
  19. As a rule of law, I usually only join private servers of games that are no longer active supported by the developer. I agree that private servers do get boring after a period of time because there's not a lot to do.
  20. I lost most of mine when moving over the years and it's a pity too. They'd have been worth a fortune right now.
  21. Oh yeah, I remembered that game - it had plenty of potential and was a fun game to play but the story fell apart towards the end of the game. I just used my keyboard and mouse because I was also frustrated with trying to remap the button layout for my Xbox controller at the time.
  22. Where I grew up drive-by shootings happened day and night, it was very common for people to die from stray bullets and a lot of people I grew up with have met their end by getting shot.
  23. Britney in the early 2000s was pretty good looking but then she just went off the rails. Made sort of a comeback in the late 2000's but then just disappeared completely.
  24. I knew of Doki Doki because I had seen a playthrough of it where one of the girls just offed herself and it was just casually mentioned. Until Dawn didn't deserve it because the part where the guy got cut in half was gory. Then again, Japan does have very strict censorship policies on gore in videogames.
  25. Yeah but she was already going down the rabbit hole before the whole Rob thing. That whole Rob scenario just sped up everything.
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