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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It depends on the gaming universe for me. In unrealistic/fantasy ones like DMC/Skyrim/Witcher, it's perfectly acceptable. In games like GTA/RDR where it's more on the realistic side, it'll feel completely out of place.
  2. Type-two: Raft maybe - it's not fun in the beginning but when you build up your raft and the possibilities are endless. Type-three: Sims: It's basically a simulation of your real life and what you should be doing with it and it's not really fun in the slightest.
  3. I heard that last year's event was pretty entertaining so I'm definitely going to tune in and have a look.
  4. Trick Or Treat! During Halloween, I'll dress up in a costume that looks like Shaq's feet! What you don't think they look that scary huh? Well, take a look at this! *faints in horror*
  5. Matrix Terminator Batman The Avengers Spiderman X-men Thor
  6. And sneaking food into a movie theatre - I had a friend who hid slices of a small pizza in her handbag and we got out some napkins and enjoyed it. Good times...
  7. Somewhat but it's more of a scientific thriller. We're talking about the 2016 movie right?
  8. What kind of work is that exactly? Acting?
  9. He's pretty keen on stuff like that - ever since the original series this has been a thing with Brock.
  10. To be honest - this is a tough one because both good and bad memories are the reason I became like this in the first place. I learned a lot from them so I'd say I'd rather keep them all.
  11. I'd probably want to be on American Ninja Warrior. I love physical activities that also require intelligence and willpower to get past.
  12. It's possible to have something called focused anger which is being enraged but not letting the rage consume you. Instead maintaining a calm mind makes it possible to benefit from rage in terms of strength, power and decisiveness without the drawbacks such as lack of awareness around your surroundings.
  13. killamch89

    Sum up 2022

    I know the meaning of the word pish but in what context are we talking - disgust, annoyance or both?
  14. Even though I do have a Switch and play it very often. PC gaming has become my primary source of entertainment since 2011.
  15. I'd say way more especially the higher end GPUs like 3090s and 4090s.
  16. More or less the point I was making but it would affect it inadvertently - not to large degree but you always have those people that'd normally always rush out and buy games on release will prefer Gamepass a whole lot more.
  17. I've been playing the horror game Madison for a couple of days now and trust me, this game is wild. I thought the creators of Outlast and Layers Of Fear were twisted but this game is on a whole different level. Seriously, I've never seen a game make me so distrusting of statues ffs. Just imagine chasing a statue down several hallways.
  18. You're right about not trusting Konami because they've been producing absolute stinkers for over a decade now. You just have to look as far as Metal Gear Survive to see what Konami has really become. The decision to turn PES into a Live Service game was the worst decision they could've made.
  19. The PS Plus just isn't quite as appealing and the fact that there are now some Playstation exclusives on Steam and more joining the platform over the next few years, Sony will really have to come up with a way to differentiate themselves from the Gamepass if they want to see any success.
  20. To me, it's between WRC 5 and 7 and I'd only say 7 because it looks better graphically and certain mechanics are much more refined. I played it on PC though so I'm not sure what the experience was like on other platforms.
  21. With what the tech companies have been pushing in recent years - it seems that VR will be a huge part of any digital world - gaming or otherwise so controllers probably won't be used as much anymore.
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