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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'll probably have to put a reminder somewhere. I'll have to go to the market as in the supermarkets, they typically slice the pumpkins and sell it in chunks.
  2. Phasmophobia is a huge culprit of this. Resident Evil 7 as well if I'm being honest. I get what you mean but there quite a bit of games that adjusts the brightness ever so slightly even when maxed out - You still can't see anything really.
  3. Trick Or Treat! - What? You guys thought I had another rhyme? Not this time...
  4. killamch89

    Sum up 2022

    You're right, it's been a rollercoaster since 2020 and it just keeps getting crazier.
  5. Hmmm - I remember being a sales representative for a major mobile company one summer and we went to a rural area for about a week. It was a bizarre experience as trying to communicate with these people was quite tricky as their version of our dialect was so drastically different and their English was pretty poor. Somehow, we managed to sell all the phones we had. To top it all off, there was no KFC or Fast Food places for that matter to get any food...
  6. It's true - I'd probably just need some motivation like a grizzly bear chasing me up the mountain. Trust me, I'd get up there in no time 😂
  7. That's fine by you but others don't take so kindly to it. To top it all off, some of the ways it's being worn is bizarre to say the least.
  8. Nope - I usually remember what movies I've watched already just by looking up the trailers. I just never found a good enough reason to do it...
  9. I'd have said my big brother but he always visits me out of the blue a few times a year so I don't know who else to say.
  10. I've made lots but if I had to choose one, I'd say cutting ties with certain people I grew up with because they kept putting me and others around them in danger due to their irresponsible actions.
  11. killamch89


    Wait - isn't it supposed to be No nut November? I participate in it all the time because I rock either a goatee, full beard or a moustache and chin beard.
  12. Nope but there's a farmer who lives like 45 minutes away from me. One of his cows, Mertle has struck up a friendship with me and my dogs after I freed her when she got her tail tangled in some bushes while taking my dogs for a walk. Mind you, I live some distance from that there so I was shocked to see her turn up at my gate and she won't stop mooing until I come out and pet her. Cows are extremely intelligent animals but they crap all over the place...
  13. killamch89

    Sum up 2022

    Flat Earthers community is growing...
  14. I mean you can get away with that while play turn-based RPGs like Final Fantasy although the more modern games are a bit different.
  15. @Family sedan How's the game been so far? Haven't played WRC in some years now - I'm going to start playing more older games again when I have the time. I've been caught up playing the hell out of my Nintendo Switch and been trying to get into a few Overwatch 2 matches but the queue is ridiculous!
  16. The same thing happened to me when I first completed the original Crash Bandicoot game and it had some pretty frustrating levels to begin with. I swear I've never been so annoyed in my entire life...
  17. Dying Light is a good shout and so is Dead Space - Not much has to be said about Silent Hill either. Dying Light's zombies are a bit smarter than the average zombie you see in other videogames.
  18. Trick Or Treat - Freddy Krueger eats human meat
  19. I buy my books - whether physical or eBooks. I always stay at the library and use the book there - I hate renting books because I always want unrestricted access to information it contains.
  20. It's something that's been going on in the past 5 years or so. I have no clue where it originated from either - I just find it kind of disrespectful to wear it incorrectly and it's not apart of their heritage. It's a symbol of honor for Scottish clans and is a longstanding tradition. I also felt the same way when the Black Panther movie came out and suddenly, everyone is is Dashikis when they didn't even know what it represented.
  21. I do know a bit of the alphabet in Spanish but that's pretty much it.
  22. People who shout when talking on their cellphone - I don't want to hear their personal business.
  23. I've seen this with some people when I've gone on vacation in other countries - they see a bunch of wild animals and start hogging the animal's space and when the animal gives them a warning, they're like it attacked me. Like, no shit - what were you expecting? Most wild animals avoid humans unless absolutely necessary. As a general rule of law, I leave them alone unless they I can clearly see that the animal needs help or they come to me for help.
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