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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Personally, I don't really have any. I thought about it in my late teens/early 20s but decided against it because It'd be a pain to get rid of it when I'm much older.
  2. I agree with @The Blackangel here. I wouldn't even think twice about leaving a cheater because no proper relationship can thrive without trust and loyalty.
  3. In my personal opinion, both are equally important and needed to progress in life. Experience is slightly more beneficial but if you don't put all that experience to good use in learning to do things more efficiently and precisely, then it's not really that useful. The inverse is that knowledge is theoretical and until you know how to make practical use of that knowledge, it's not really all that useful either.
  4. Mine was my Physics teacher. I swear, he was like the real-life version of Mr. Bean but smart. He was very clumsy, acted bizarrely at times but he was very passionate about Physics.
  5. I had a Malaysian friend that played Eden Eternal with me and I haven't heard from her in over a decade since that.
  6. Nope. The gaming industry has continuously grown since its inception and that's not going to stop as gaming becomes more widely accepted and integrated into society.
  7. I usually get them in a bundle with the original game. It's very rarely that I've ever bought every DLC.
  8. Fantastic choice. This is my favorite Zelda game of all time as well.
  9. When I told I've never been burnt so bad by any purchase I've ever made, I mean it. I can't remember ever buying something and being so disappointed in it.
  10. Interesting pick with Dark Souls. I think mine would be something like Undertale. I admire the design, but I’m not into games where frustration is the main appeal. What’s kept you from trying Dark Souls?
  11. It's my main hobby. I love gaming more than I do anything else in my free time.
  12. Personally, it was playing Fifa with my big brother and cousins growing up when Fifa used to be good.
  13. That's a fantastic one as well. I also dislike unskippable cutscenes.
  14. Not me. I learned it by using my computer repeatedly.
  15. What if there was a game where every action you take in the world generates random cause-and-effect chains, making it impossible to predict the consequences of your decisions? It would really force players to think more deeply about how they interact with the world.
  16. I’ve dabbled with a few of the remakes, and they each have their pros and cons. For me, the 2000 'Myst: Masterpiece Edition' keeps the classic charm while improving the visuals a bit. The more recent ones, like the VR version or 'realMyst,' are cool if you want a more interactive or modern experience.
  17. Yep. Games back in the day used to cost you maybe $30-$40 at most. Now games costs between $60-$70 with multiple editions where the most expensive one can go up to $100 and that doesn't even factor in the costs of the DLCs, cosmetics, season passes etc.
  18. I don't have an exact time of the day but my gaming session is usually 2-3 hours long.
  19. Unfortunately, I just don't have the space to house that many consoles so I'll either sell my older console or give it to a friend or family member.
  20. Yep. Because anything can happen like the light going away and you'll lose all your current progress.
  21. Honestly, I have one shirt of Gray Fox from Metal Gear and a Mario shirt at the moment. I don't have any other gaming apparel outside of that.
  22. I once broke a Xbox 360 controller by accident after it tripped me from behind and I fell on top of it. Breaking it in the process.
  23. This is from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess The Hero's Shade: "A sword wields no strength unless the hands that holds it has courage."
  24. Mine are as follows: Metal Gear Solid Devil May Cry Castlevania SOTN Smash Bros Melee Mario 64
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