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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have lots of downloaded music on my devices plus my subscription to Deezer and I usually use one of these two options. Youtube is for when a song isn't available on Deezer.
  2. This song always brings back memories because I remember we were in high school and this old lady that used to teach Geography used to come and try to take out her frustrations on us for whatever reason. One day, she didn't let one of our classmates in and told him to move from the door. My classmate responded "You guys here your dog barking?" and the whole class started singing this. We got in trouble for this but it was just hilarious.
  3. His songs were always underrated but I'll never forget - RIP Coolio
  4. Coolio was one of my favorite rappers from the 90's Gangsta's paradise used to be played on my block all the time back then and his other song. I'll see you when you get there. There were also those collabs he did with Snoop Dogg as well. I'll link it right here: Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise
  5. I'm not even interested in the 4000 series to be fair with them needing all new power pins to run them along with the price increase, I'll gladly wait until the 3090 reaches below $1000 and then I swoop in.
  6. That's why my devices are usually stored away when I'm not using them - especially my laptop. It's too vital for what I do to be stolen. Everyone knows better than to come to my house and steal anything because I'll go full Stewie on them and if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a video to explain what I'd probably do.
  7. PC just offers so many advantages especially when it comes to modding games. This helps you to enjoy your games for way longer and experience it in ways you wouldn't normally imagine is possible.
  8. Outside of the Resident Evil Remakes and a few others, not really much that I can remember playing.
  9. I just got back into some Rocket League and DBFZ as I haven't played both in quite a bit. Hit in DBFZ is so freaking fast now - I swear he's not using time skip. It should be named time skips because how the hell is his attacks so fast! I was getting cooked by some guy who was using him - on the other hand, Yamcha is finally useful (never thought that I'd say this in my lifetime).
  10. But how'd you miss that one? It's been around since Morrowind possibly even earlier...
  11. I usually try this in most stealth games but the bloodlust in me always just comes out at some point 🤣. The only game I can remember where I came really close was in Splinter Cell where I only killed the people I had to because of the plot.
  12. Well Konami had PES until they decided to ruin it by turning it into a live service game basically taking away the only competition EA ever had in terms of football games.
  13. You took all the good ones: Vergil and Dante was my first mention - I mean these two are iconic and seeing them go head to head in DMC 3 was such an epic fight. DMC 5 had an awesome fight as well especially when they both went full powered devil trigger. Too bad Nero had to interfere... Squall and Seifer from FFVIII (my favorite Final Fantasy game) - Seifer was always jealous of Squall and that's because even though he was an introvert, many people looked up to Squall and respected him. Solid And Liquid Snake's rivalry spans multiple games with Liquid taking over Ocelot's body or that's what we thought until the twist at the end of MGS 4 when it was revealed that he used nanomachines to transplant Liquid's personality into his body to avoid the Patriots.
  14. Same here - Gran Turismo 7 was definitely a disappointment with the the always online feature and the microtransactions. I don't even own a PS5 or PS4 currently but I'd never touch that game and I have always loved Gran Turismo since I was a kid.
  15. Fudgemuppet - They cover a lot of content about the Elder Scrolls Lore in Skyrim and they did in-depth reviews of Skyrim and the DLCs and also pointed out many things we'd have missed.
  16. It's amazing how people can always replicate certain maps from other games - I wonder how much time he took to do that?
  17. Witcher 3: Blood And Wine is well-written and has a pretty good story as well. I wouldn't necessarily say that I like it more than the base game but there were some aspects of the story that appealed to me more than the base game or the other DLC: Hearts Of Stone. I also liked the Dragonborn DLC in some aspects more than the original Skyrim game because Miraak really felt like a final boss unlike the underwhelming Ebony Warrior and Alduin. I also liked that we got to visit Solstheim hundreds of years later after the events of Morrowind and Daggerfall.
  18. So true - it just cheapens the experience honestly. We get that it's an illusion of choice but at least make it have some influence... Maybe not - you could have a sequel that checks which choices you made in the game prior and starts off with a start that reflects those choices. I agree it'd be time consuming to implement but it doesn't make sense giving us choices if it doesn't matter in the end.
  19. For Skyrim and Fallout 4, I have an Excel sheet for mods because there are so many available for both games that it'd take me weeks just having to search for mods which fits a role I want in a playthrough.
  20. It depends - like drawn out cutscenes or longer than usual loading times provide a small gap to do something else. I primarily focus on gaming only and try not do anything else or go grab a snack real quick.
  21. Same but I make sure to tell them I'm stopping by 11. My old bones need to get some sleep and I just can't be bothered with staying up all night and gaming anymore.
  22. It's not going to stop and that's the worst part. The Guardians' special moves always have these long cutscenes that I also get tired of seeing - like for God's sake, the first time it looked impressive but after the millionth time it's like "Hurry up dammit!"
  23. The only games I ever remember spending any money in was Champions Online and that was my first and last time ever really spending any substantial money on microtransactions. I usually stay away from them for the most part especially the mobile games because they have the most aggressive microtransaction systems in the gaming industry.
  24. If you can find some free to play MMO you like, you can play it via PS Plus. If I remember correctly, you can also play a large catalogue of games similar to Xbox Gamepass.
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