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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Yeah - I had heard about this game but still not much to go off of especially with release right around the corner.
  2. Not going to lie - I haven't heard about this one but the gameplay looks so unique. I'd certainly give it a try - concept wise it's far better than all these generic Live service/battle royale/modern mmorpgs.
  3. Knights Of The Old Republic on the original Xbox will forever be one of my favorite Star Wars games of all times. The original Star Wars Battlefront 1&2 were also excellent games.
  4. I just read about it not too long ago - as for the Mark Lastikka guy, I don't see much info about him either but hopefully this does bring them success in the gaming industry.
  5. So true, although, some amongst us don't really like the cell shaded graphics of more recent Zelda games and that's fair because it doesn't appeal to me in most other games. However, it seems to fit the aesthetic of more recent titles. To be fair, I totally forgot it was coming out this year - I could've sworn it was early next year.
  6. Half the time, I'll purposely stay where the weaklings are so when the strong bullies come out, I'll take them on.
  7. I remember the original Alone in the Dark game - just like @Clasher, I only remember playing the original although I do remember an online only variant coming out in 2015 and was heavily criticized by everyone. The graphics look amazing and from what I've seen, it does look genuinely scary. The thing with gameplay trailers especially in modern times is that the developers tend to put out an amazing trailer but then the real game arrives and it's complete trash so I'm tempering my expectations.
  8. I mean, outside of a slight graphical upgrade, it is the same game...
  9. Outside of hiding my money under my mattress, having it in a piggy bank or hiding it in a magazine, I'd never thought to hide it among my gaming stuff because sometimes friends may borrow a controller or something.
  10. Ghostwire isn't like the other two to be fair and Konami's Abandoned isn't any kind of successor to Silent Hill despite what they tried to claim a few years back.
  11. Personally, I just start a brand new character and delete that save - especially if I've reached too far in the current one I think is bad.
  12. Doom Slayer is one of the most iconic characters despite saying a bunch of one-liners. His feats in-game especially in Doom 2016 onwards is nothing short of impressive. The original Doom just had some guy shoot demons because he was pissed off someone killed his cat. The more recent games gave him a bit more characterization.
  13. After a while, you just feel like I should pay far more attention to my real life. It's literally like a second life... Exactly, It makes you feel like you're wasting time doing all these things in-game when your life would benefit far more from getting those tasks done. It's the main reason I got so bored of the Sims so quickly.
  14. To be fair, there's a lot of stuff I've seen recreated in Minecraft - I mean it's not my type of game but the amount of things that can be replicated in Minecraft I don't think can be done in any other game.
  15. Simpsons Hit and Run The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex Spiderman 2 Star Wars Battlefront 1&2
  16. Honestly, it depends on the game - Dark souls/Elden Ring/Bloodborne games tend to frustrate the hell out of you but games like No Man's Sky tend to a bit more laid-back and relaxing in nature as you go exploring.
  17. To be honest, I've never been present to the shutting down of an online game - usually when I know a game I like is shutting down its servers, I normally take the time to find another game to play.
  18. The development processes of various video game companies play a factor - How much detail they want in their games, how they code the games among other things.
  19. Some of my favorite channels for gaming humor: 1) The Laughing Simon does Skyrim VR videos as a skeleton and honestly, he makes me crack up from start to finish. 2) Elanip from GTA V Redline RP - he always comes up with some pretty wacky ideas and you can't help but laugh. 3) You already mentioned Viva La Dirt but I also love their content.
  20. It took me about 4 hours to download GTA V the very first time and at the time the game was about 60 GB? or something around that figure. My internet was moving pretty slowly that day and I ended up having to stop all my other game downloads just to accomodate it.
  21. So...before anyone asks when did Babylon's Fall come out, it was released on February 28 of this year. I didn't even remember this game existed until I learnt that they had shut it down recently. I think it was in some Ubisoft showcase last year? (The name vaguely rings a bell) But what we have here is ANOTHER live service game by Square Enix that has failed miserably. It failed so badly that physical copies are being destroyed or given away by Gamestop. Square Enix seems to have learned nothing from Marvel's Avengers and keep putting out this third-rate trash. For anyone that was looking forward to this game, how did you feel about it shutting down just seven months after release?
  22. An outcome that surprised no one else but Ubisoft execs, Ubisoft's Quartz NFTs failed miserably to the point they're trying to play it off as something they did "only for research". A "it's just a prank bro" tactic if we want to be a bit more accurate. Is there anyone at all that's surprised that this failed miserably?
  23. Now for a bit of context, this was a short while after a merger was announced between Unity and Ironsource. Ironsource who were in the business of monetization of ads among other stuff of that nature. This would result in monetization services being integrated into the Unity Engine so you knew there was an uproar when it was announced. In response to this, John Riccitiello former EA CEO made the statement above. Because of the backlash he received for this, he was forced to turn around and apologize for his statement. Of course, nobody is buying because he's a former EA CEO, this is expected behavior. Another thing to add, when I first read about the whole Unity and Ironsource merger and was reading through his response, before I even knew who he was, my first reaction was "are you sure this guy didn't work for EA?" and I was right on the mark. It amazes me how much lack of awareness these CEOs in the gaming industry have. What are your thoughts on this?
  24. I agree that his talents could be better utilized and if I'm not mistaken, I did read another article that claimed he belonged to a group of small-time hackers who did hacking for the thrills. He was apparently ratted out by rival hackers for whatever reason.
  25. It's not shocking at all - they still haven't got backwards compatibility to work with a good number of PS4 titles and let's not get started on PS3 titles despite the emulator having the capacity to emulate all the way back to original PS games. I think we even discussed this before the PS5 ever came out. I know they did this on purpose just to get PSVR owners to upgrade.
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