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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. This - I couldn't agree more. The mentality of gaming studios has become more focused on profit instead of quality (EA, Ubisoft, 2Kgames) so that really isn't an improvement. Games being released with lots of bugs and then being subsequently patched after release is also a step backwards from a decade ago. With the rise of social platforms which allow for independent gaming journalism, gaming companies can no longer cover up their mistakes by manipulating mainstream gaming media.
  2. Oh...Yeah, I haven't touched Cyberpunk 2077 for close to a year now so I wouldn't know what's going on with it. Can it finally run on the Xbox One and PS4 now?
  3. Yeah, his sister doesn't mind but whenever I take out my smartphone to take a picture of him, in his eyes, it's the equivalent of me turning on the hose and getting ready to bathe him XD
  4. As I have stated in other threads, the severe lack of awareness of the upper management people who are endorsing these moves is very disturbing.
  5. With the NFT market collapsing because of the state of the Crypto market, this is a very a stupid move. I mean, Ubisoft has started to backpedal and say that their NFT marketplace was only a "test". Furthermore, NFTs are demonized in every industry outside of Crypto and even in Crypto, it's not rated very highly compared to other aspects of Crypto.
  6. That's a very vaild question because that wasn't really covered. Either way, this would be a terrible system to implement.
  7. I saw the leaked videos the other day and thought they were fake until I did some further digging. The graphics would definitely look better - I mean, GTA V is almost 10 years old so it'd definitely be an improvement. Also to note, the videos are from a developer build in late 2020/early 2021 and apparently, Rockstar had started development from 5 years ago which had they said something, we wouldn't have been questioning it. As for the video themselves, the level of customization and new animations look good in one of the leaked videos. You could adjust the mirrors in you car and stuff like that. However, I'm still not getting carried away until the actual game comes out.
  8. Somewhat guilty as charged lol - luckily, I didn't rush out the door and buy Cyberpunk 2077. Luckily, I got a free key but I'm glad I didn't pre-order the game because it'd have left me with a bitter taste in my mouth again. The Witcher series has suffered from the lack of optimization on PCs - When I had my previous gaming desktop, Witcher 3 used to make my 1080 TI start to overheat and at the time, 1080 Ti was the most powerful consumer GPU next to the Titan.
  9. He's here actually but I have to keep him inside for a bit because his sister will constantly want to play with him and he's still limping quite a bit. The vets claim it should go away in due time but I've been spending some time with him. I don't know, I have to ask him because every time I try to a picture of him with my phone, he just keeps running around 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Neverland is a very good series to watch. I had read the manga to completion and the ending left a lot to be desired but the majority of the series is actually good.
  11. Didn't I say this in another related thread? Xbox making COD exclusive hurts their pockets and all these gaming companies care about is profit.
  12. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King - 9/10
  13. LOTR is legendary - From Sauron to Gandalf, the characters are well-written and the world has so much lore. I don'tm mind the Hobbit movies at all as it provides more insight to LOTR universe. It's perfectly understandable that you'd find the Hobbit films boring because they spend 90% of the film cowering and groveling in fear but the Hobbits in LOTR weren't really a warrior race to begin with. They only fight when they have no choice but to do so.
  14. PC for gaming and almost everything else but a mobile phone is very convenient when I don't have access to a PC/laptop, it's a somewhat handy substitute. And before someone tries to poorly convince us that our smartphones can replace a PC. Stop listening to the crap that Apple and Samsung are spewing out - it's just marketing to sell their devices. I don't believe for one second that either company actually believes that. It make happen in the future but as of now, still nowhere near close to happening.
  15. Wasn't that like two-three years ago or something like that? I do remember that and I even think we have a thread about it. To be honest, I've checked out a few reviews in recent years and I'm just not impressed by some of what IGN does. Some games they just don't review thoroughly and automatically write them off without doing enough research about it especially if they're not interested in the genre.
  16. Breath Of The Wild is awesome! Just got it for the Switch last week and I must say that I'm really enjoying it.
  17. What kind of community you looking to join? Anime? Crypto? etc.
  18. If I'm not mistaken - I was apart of that forum a good while back like 2015? The name looks extremely familiar...
  19. Yeah - I'm happy he's almost fully healed. When I went to the vet, they had just finished examining him and were going to put him back in his enclosure. When I called out to him he jumped out of the Vet assistant's arm and ran straight to me and jumped in my arms. I was really tempted to take him home but he has a few more days of treatment before I can get him back.
  20. Honestly - I don't have much to say. However, I don't get why it's such a big deal when the Royal Family hardly did anything for the Brits especially the lower class. Why is it that when anyone asks what has the Royal Family done for their citizens, it's always something half-assed and vague.
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