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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I can see them pricing it similarly but maybe a little bump in price here and there but I don't expect them to increase the price drastically in the second release. Further down the road, when the Steam Deck has become more mainstream, they'll do that.
  2. I was just about to say it this exact thing - they've had Splinter Cell in limbo for close to a decade if not more. I love Splinter Cell and remember playing a lot of it on the original Xbox but with Ubisoft's recent track record, It's going to flop big time.
  3. State of Decay 2 is a fun game to play with friends and acquiring bases and building them up is so much fun. I wonder how they plan to expand on that aspect of it?
  4. I also agree that Sony is very good at spotting talented companies but the modern Sony worries me with their stupid decisions. It's a brilliant move to acquire FromSoftware games but what happens when they don't produce a hit, how will they be treated then. It has happened in the past but I can't really think of a situation where it stayed this way for long. Eventually, one party bought the other's share and I can see Sony doing that down the road. In some sense, it is enjoyable to watch but what happens when only Sony and Microsoft own all the major studios? I'd prefer if some stayed independent to provide some competition.
  5. But most of us knew Facebook didn't come up with the idea in the first place - they were just trying to position themselves as such.
  6. You're not wrong - ever since the pandemic, I've notcied a lot of people seem to lack the basic social interaction skills and etiquette. I mean it was noticeable before but the Quarantine period has affected a great number of people's social skills.
  7. Has anyone played Xenoblade Chronicles 3? I know it just came out recently but is it worth buying?
  8. I found myself playing Final Fantasy 8 and playing some Mario Kart 8
  9. This just feels like a huge trip down memory lane - I have to say that the PS1 and PS2 will always be my favorites simply for the amount of great games I got to play on both and some long forgotten underrated games as well.
  10. I quite like the design but knowing Sony, it'll cost an arm and a leg. I can assure you that much.
  11. Most kids used to do that and it hasn't affected most of us. I agree it's not hygienic but it's a better option than getting yourself wasted or doing some hard drugs.
  12. It happened during the night as well and just heard my dog screaming out in pain in my neighbor's yard and while running over there I saw the tyre marks and started connecting the dots. My neighor has a camera system so that's how I confirmed he had been hit by a car and miraculously landed on the trampoline, bounced up and then dropped through the trampoline. That's what saved my dog - I even bought my neighbor a brand new trampoline even though he insisted he'd replace it himeself.
  13. That's why I stay in PC gaming and with the crash of the Crypto market, GPUs have become affordable again.
  14. This reminds me of A LOT of the games on the Android app store - they're just clones of each other and feel really cheap.
  15. I haven't personally - where do you sign up to do that?
  16. I guess it's okay - what do you want me to say? It looks like a lot of other mobile controllers for Android and IOS devices. It almost reminds me of that Razer mobile controller and the fact that they didn't have the dual analog sticks at the bottom as a PlayStation product makes it seem unoriginal.
  17. I don't mind it all - why shouldn't they want to promote their own OS? I'm just glad it's so highly customizable unlike something like the Switch for instance.
  18. Most versions of Linux isn't beginner and user-friendly and they always take some setup to get going whereas Windows just works right out of the box. Mind you, I have my own issues with Windows and I'd probably use Linux if it was more compatible with other software.
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