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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Inside that came out in 2016 - like from start to finish this game is one big what the hell?! One of Silent Hill 2 Endings where a dog is shown to be the mastermind behind everything - I know it was a joke ending but it completely caught me off guard as a kid.
  2. Nope because that just spoils all the anticipation for me. The only reason I look up gameplay spoilers is to see if the game is worth my time or not.
  3. I wish I had a license plate or something to work with - my neighbor's camera only picked up what kind of vehicle it is. Thanks man.
  4. My dog got hit by a car - he jumped the fence to go do his thing because it's mating season and a car swerved onto the sidewalk and hit him and drove off immediately after. Luckily he got hit unto muy neighbor's trampoline so it cushioned most of the impact. He broke a few bones but he's okay.
  5. Same thing I was saying - its been years since I've seen a Supercross game. Most of the dirtbike games I remember growing up are no longer around.
  6. It's been a while but I played some State Of Decay 2
  7. My personal pick for movies is Everything Everywhere All At Once - it's such a well-written yet uniquely unpredictable movie.
  8. Agreed and to top it all off - my cable bill used to cost way more and I still couldn't watch certain channels without paying extra...
  9. Inspector Gadget used to come on Fox Kids and I used to watch it every Saturday as well - Good times. Also, coffee in moderation is alright - it's just that too many people overdo it.
  10. I remember going to Regal Cinema in Fort Lauderdale when I used to visit my aunt in the summers as a teen. It was pretty decent but I guess this is just how things go - I mean with the rise of things like Disney Plus and even Warner bros having their own service, cinemas and theaters were bound to suffer.
  11. I don't either - I also have all the aforementioned and I haven't watched TV for close to 8 years now. I don't need cable or any TV service to watch what I want anymore.
  12. Almost any essential food item has gone up in prices.
  13. Usually it's stored away somewhere in my apartment and I usually always end up finding it way later.
  14. To be fair, that's usually harmless unless you bite off most of it.
  15. Thanks for the info - I didn't know about that but obviously the CEO or some higher up must be the ones responsible for the bad choices they made.
  16. I had a great high school life but I just don't care about reunions one bit. I do go to the occasional family reunion but even that I can't stand.
  17. I have two of each - one for business and one for more personal stuff.
  18. Didn't even pay much attention to that - I was more excited for the new AMD CPUs and AMD definitely delivered.
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