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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I get what you mean - sometimes you just want a specialized device that performs it's function effectively without being overtly complicated.
  2. Yeah and the fact that it's the only relatively well-known email service that's also offered on the darkweb gives it's privacy claims some credence.
  3. I agree - you'll have to do some collabs with relatively well-known Youtubers to get any form of exposure.
  4. Yeah it's a great experience but try not hassle them because it'll be annoying to them.
  5. It's not the quality that hampers PSG as much as their mentality - They constantly bottle it in Europe and always seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  6. Barca with Bayern is going to a very interesting game - I don't think Inter will be very dangerous but Victoria Pizen is a bit of a wildcard so it's best not to underestimate him.
  7. Saido Mane is an excellent player but I'd maybe say KDB will be my fav when he retires.
  8. Spurs?! They haven't won the league since the Cold War and one trophy in 30 years. They aren't doing anything at all.
  9. It's true - they should take their time and work their way into the industry instead of doing it Google's way and flopping.
  10. I like Horror games but the fictional ones with zombies not this cemetary kind of crap.
  11. The following games have intentional uses of music: Silent Hill 2 RE 2 and 3 Remake Skyrim in terms of combat
  12. I'd say Fallout games like Fallout New Vegas as well as 3 and 4.
  13. I can see what you mean but all music making games tend to suffer from one major drawback - repetitive gameplay. After a while, you'd have heard all the combinations and it'd get boring to us.
  14. I hope I am wrong about this game but it seems like it still lacks some very basic elements to make it a good enough game.
  15. I like that they did that - at least they're somewhat reassuring gamers although you never know...but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise.
  16. It's been noticeable for quite some time now. They're going down the modern Rockstar route and being very greedy and anti-consumer.
  17. Two different games by two different companies with the same greedy mentality. I can see why you got confused 🤣
  18. I remembered that as well - it's great to see them bounce back from that...
  19. And I keep pointing out the fact that it hurts their pockets more to make it an exclusive and as such they won't go through with that decision.
  20. I guess but what I'm saying and what @Kane99 alluded to previously is that just like Google, Amazon doesn't spend the time to improve most of their offerings unless they see an immediate benefit from doing that. Even then, they tend to take forever to roll out updates unless they're losing lots of money.
  21. Yeah, the single-player mode is boring and that's why I always played 2V2 instead.
  22. I'd like them to do that as well but there was a report that came out a few years back that Sony will concentrate on the series that make them the most money such as Last Of Us and that's why you see them prioritise the LOS remake over a lot of other great series they have because it makes them more money.
  23. Knowing cats, he probably changed the orientation of the picture 🤣
  24. I did get RDR2 when it came out on Xbox One the first week but that's about it. I usually wait for reviews and a reasonable deal before I buy any modern games - it has saved me from many disappointments like GTA trilogy edition.
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