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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Going by their recent releases, I'd just want them to make a bug-free and functional game. It seems that only Final Fantasy games they put a lot of effort into while not really caring about the rest.
  2. Yeah but I don't know when they'd make it available. There are some Sony games on Steam already like the most recent God Of War and I think more Sony exclusives will be launching on Steam.
  3. The thing is Luna's launch was pretty poor and yes they have their own gaming studio but didn't they have that game that literally bricked Nvidia graphics cards? I think it was New World? Amazon isn't going to go much further than Netflix because they're both up against Xbox Gamepass and Playstation Plus, both of whom belong to companies that have huge reputations in the industry so they'll need to overcome that hurdle.
  4. The concept was actually pretty good and some gameplay elements too but the endless bugs just ruined the whole experience. To top it all off, the endless hype before the game was released only made it all the more disappointing.
  5. The thing I keep bringing up in this argument is that it's EA we're dealing with here. They always go overboard when it comes to microtransactions - they don't know the art of subtlety when it comes to trying to rip off their consumers. Outside of the recently released Jedi Fallen Order and maybe squadrons, almost every other game they have is pretty much filled with micro transactions.
  6. It's still pretty bad but you're probably right, it's just that off the top of my head that was the most recent game that I played besides Fast and the Furious Crossroads that was actually pretty bad.
  7. I just got Nintendo Switch Online since getting my Switch at the beginning of August. At some point down the road, I'll probably get Gamepass.
  8. It's due process, just give it a bit of time and it'll either be thrown out of the court or Sony will win the case because the premise is pretty stupid if I'm being honest.
  9. I understand what you mean but I don't think it's that big of a deal because the only franchises that Activision had was Call Of Duty and World Of Warcraft and a few more I can't remember. Microsoft still have to be navigating their way through all the crap Activision has on its plate such as the sexual harassments, employee mistreatment, terrible decisions etc. As I said in another forum, COD isn't going to be an exclusive because it'd hurt Microsoft more if they did that.
  10. Yeah - I think we did discuss this in another thread if I remember correctly. Square Enix like a lot of other formerly great developers have chosen greed over satisfying their core audience and a decision that will soon come back to haunt them.
  11. For selected things in-game, I wouldn't mind voice commands like the Dragon shouts in Skyrim for instance. I can also seeing it being helpful for physical challenged people who are probably paralyzed from the neck down. However, I'd rather not play the whole game hands-free.
  12. I think most of us like myself didn't bother with it in the first place so we didn't remember about it. My friends have played it but I didn't even bother to get the game because of how terrible it was.
  13. Get Rich Or Die Trying - 8/10
  14. Nope - haven't watched it in years if I'm being honest but I used to love it as a kid.
  15. Friends although Everybody Loves Raymond is pretty good one as well. The Friends theme song can never be topped.
  16. I'm going to be honest, I didn't even remember that the Supercross series still exist.
  17. I played some Skyrim and Smash Ultimate
  18. Go Jet Skiing, trust me - women will scream 🤣. In all seriousness, a day at the beach is pretty chill or go skating.
  19. It's not a good thing at all - One of my friends in high school went through the same thing and he was a total wreck for good portions of our young adult life.
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