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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. To be honest, I've never liked Spyro games - I just always felt like they lacked something...unique. Crash for instance is a very unique, entertaining, random and charismatic character - Spyro is just really bizarre.
  2. It doesn't look bad at all on a whole but the animations aren't very smooth. The aiming mechanic does seem a bit wonky from what I've seen in the trailer and to top it all off, the cell shaded graphics seem a bit dated. I know it's a remake of a PS1 title but still...
  3. I haven't tried it because the games on there are on Steam and other services I already use and the prices are pretty similar so I just never really paid it any mind.
  4. When I found out the game was Live Service - nope. I'm not going anywhere near it and it's EA. You know it'll be full of microtransactions to the core effectively ruining the whole experience.
  5. Multiversus is fun to play - it's actually somewhat a valid competitor to Smash albeit it still lacks some more game modes but still...The overtly unique nature of each character's movesets is what really makes it entertaining.
  6. I did like the classic Battlefront and Battlefront 2 game but the 2016 release? Worst game ever!
  7. A battle royale game with Melee combat...I'm not going to lie, I've played it and it was enjoyable the first few times but after that it got really repetitive. It's like Fortnite no build mode but with hands and melee weapons only instead of guns.
  8. I think the reason the gaming numbers are so low i because they don't advertise their games nearly as much as the shows they have on their platform. It also seems they''re taking their time to test the waters and slowly work their way in rather than do what Google did with Stadia and completely flop.
  9. Yeah - there are pretty unique yet effective strategies I've seen people use to summon Exodia to be fair.
  10. Agreed - I never pay attention to the story in Just Cause games because I know that it'll be lacklustre but using the Wingsuit and cables to get around is pretty entertaining. I bet you any money that Square Enix will ruin it.
  11. I wouldn't call Cyberpunk a favorite but it's also far from the worst I've played in recent years.
  12. I'd want the old Mech Assault games for Xbox, The Last Of Us, Ratchet & Clank and Persona series from Sony, The Mario Kart and Super Smash games from Nintendo.
  13. It's not just the end of year - it's the gaming market in general. Most of the new releases are average at best with majority of them tanking pretty hard.
  14. The irony of this whole thing is that my dad loved animals so this confused me even more.
  15. Over my three decades of gaming I've played MANY terrible games so to choose one is pretty difficult. But I can list a few off the top of my head: Marvel's Avengers Superman 64 Aquaman: Battle For Aquarius The Guy Game Shaq Fu
  16. Adding to what @Shagger, games have also been "dumbed down" in more recent years. For instance, puzzles in older platforming games tend to take a lot more thought than more recent titles.
  17. Now that I think about it - my parents used to make me play games like Mortal Kombat and Manhunt as a kid. They didn't see any problem with the amount of violence in the two mentioned titles. I personally think age 3 or 4 is a good age to start but make sure the child does it in moderation. As for what is acceptable, I'd probably start them off with something a bit more subtle like Ratchet & Clank and not Duck Hunt like my dad did lmao.
  18. Fifa and Madden have literally been the same game reskinned over the past decade with previously removed features being re-added in more recent games as "revolutionary" gameplay. Most of the same bugs are still in these games and haven't been fixed either.
  19. Most of the games I can remember that do this are typicallyJrpg's.
  20. I was going to say that but seriously a good shout. Resident Evil 7 is scary but I was more scared of running out of ammo if I'm being honest. Like what kind of Resident Evil game has scarce ammo? That's the biggest gripe I had with this game - I mean the family that's hunting you down throughout the house can hear or sense you if you're close enough and they can run through walls. You can't even throw a punch lol. I like this one as well - one of the first boss fight with Pyramid Head while you're trapped in the room with him swinging his blade around was scary but the music and lighting plus the bad camera angle is what really made it terrifying.
  21. A Rick and Morty game would definitely be interesting - as to what genre it would best fit in is beyond me though.
  22. Hmmm...I agree with most of the points @Yaramaki and @Withywarlock made. It needs to remain true to its core which is the classroom mini-games and timetable management. That being said, this is a tough one because it's such a niche kind of game - there's not much you can do with a school bully's life unless Rockstar planned to go down a dark path with the Bully suffering from a fractured home, maybe parents are abusive or just fighting all the time or a drug abuse problem. But knowing modern Rockstar, they probably wouldn't do that.
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