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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I started gaming at 3 years old and I've been gaming for 3 decades now so there's not harm in starting them off with very simple games at that age. I started playing Duck Hunt shooting a duck with the gun accessor...Okay so maybe that's not the best example but you get the point 🤣.
  2. It falls into the same category for me as people who think anime are for kids, it's their opinion. Just like how I find people who gossip about others all the time boring, I'm entitled to that opinion. Seriously, Gaming will never have widespread acceptance despite scientific data proving its usefulness because of the social stigma.
  3. People who tend to take the whole thing way too seriously - I mean, I hate losing like everyone else but I'm not going to get upset at losing a game. Games are made to first and foremost be fun and when it stops being that, I don't tend to enjoy it.
  4. I understand but that's the problem with the modern gaming industry, every company just cares about how much they're earning and if a popular game doesn't meet that economic quota, they'll stop supporting it.
  5. It's a great feature but $25 is kind of pushing it. At $20 a month, that sounds more reasonable - I mean, in the context of a family that loves gaming, this a great package.
  6. The company pays him an upfront bonus plus a small percentage of whatever the company makes from the event - at least, that's how it's normally done when celebrities feature on a game.
  7. To be fair, Trevor may be a psycho but he's probably one of the most popular GTA main characters and also the funniest. Every time you see Trevor in a cutscene, you automatically start laughing because it's either he's going to do say something so random you're like what? or he does something wild.
  8. RDR Online is a separate game from the original RDR2 which is entirely single-player. The original RDR2 is fantastic but I wouldn't mind if they could release more DLC content for it. RDR Online on the other hand, is a great concept with lots of potential but Rockstar hasn't attempted to give it the same amount of support as GTA online so the game is more or less dead.
  9. I must've watch this episode at least 3 times this week and this part still makes me laugh. For a bit of context, he sits on two of his female subordinates as "punishment" but they love when Ainz does this. Cocytus overheard one of them mention it and that's why he did this.
  10. I'll believe it when it's officially announced. I'm tired of the constant witchhunt if I'm being honest.
  11. Played some Rocket League today for the first time in weeks and I'm still just as good.
  12. I got a key about two years back and used it but I still haven't attempted to install Fallout 76. A good number of people are telling me the game is now decent but i'm just not interested in it.
  13. Yeah, I remember when it used to come on Kids WB on Saturdays. Dojo and Jack are the two most hilarious characters in the show.
  14. I agree - Season 1 was amazing but I haven't checked out much news about season 2.
  15. Not at all - the amount of preparation an athlete has to do physically and mentally for extended periods of time greatly surpasses any kind of preparation any professional gamer will experience.
  16. I've volunteered to help feed some homeless people during Christmas before when I worked with the government. When I was in high school, I also volunteeered at an animal shelter. I'd like to volunteer to work at an animal sanctuary someday.
  17. I have a somewhat receding hairline and to be honest, I'm just going to let age take its course than mess with hair restoration products which all contain minoxidil which has very harmful effects for males.
  18. I don't even play the multiplayer that much and that's an anomaly for me because I usually play that before even actually playing the single player. Within a month, I completely stopped.
  19. To be honest, I'm not sure I've ever seen a game like that. I wish there was a videogame like that with anime-style plot twist that throws every player for a loop.
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